Sore bits

This is going to be way too much information but I need to know if my bits are normal or if I may have a problem.

My wee hole actually looks like a hole and it looks like it's inside my vagina. Is this normal? My bits are pretty saggy still so maybe it'll move back up as they tone up? Will they tone up? I really don't know whether to worry or not. My weeing apparatus seems to be working fine though. Have had cystitis twice since having Phoebe though and wondering if this is because my wee bits are getting infected by the discharge/blood from my vagina?
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
My pee hole is inside my vagina too, I've always been able to see it if holding the lips apart and looking with a mirror (now that's probably really tmi!).

Re the cystitis, have you been drinking enough? That can help to flush all the toxins out.
You girls are so brave, I haven't plucked up the courage yet to look. Am still really tender 2 weeks on, I didn't have stitches but I did have a 1st degree tear. Does anyone find that their bits hurt when they stand up for a long time??
Yeah mine do I went shopping the other day and had to have pain killers when I got home. Does anyone else have pain in their clitoris?
Thank God for that I was in 2 minds whether to mention it cos it sounded stupid. Thinking about it, with all that pulling and stretching I suppose everthing gets a bit damaged!! It's agony isn't it!!
Its made me double over at times. I was going to go to the Dr but am a bit embarressed :oops:
Yeah so am I!! It's really sore and worse if I go to the loo it seems to hurt for a few seconds after like the muscles are trying to pull back into place or something???
I get the same pain too - remember the feeling of baby pushing down inside?? Well sometimes it feels like I have a big heavy weight inside my tummy still pushing down - it's very wierd. Still get tummy pains too even though my uterus was back to normal size within 2 weeks.
I have this clitoris pain too. Each time I go for a wee, it feels like my clitoris is getting bigger and it is painful. Once i have finished weeing, it feels better!!! The antibiotics are working wonders on most of the pains but not on that!!!
You guys are making me glad that i had a c-section!!!!!! never thought id say that!
Steph, cannot believe little Jamie is already 4 months old!!!! I still remember you posting pictures of your pregnant belly!!! Time flies so quickly!!!!
IM AGREEING WITH STEPH LMAO ... saying that my section wound split open lol the best thing is bathing in tea tree oil and keep wound very dry, also peeing may really sting, but it will actually do wonders for the healing... i speak from experience with multiple piercings in that region :lol: also your "pee hole" shud be in your vagina??? just normally looks more compact.
I have the clit pain too, it's the only pain still remaining down there. When I stand it feels like someone has kicked me between the legs down there. MW said it could be bruising, all I know is that it hurts!!
Thank God we all have it, I thought Iwas a freak and that my sex life (what sex life!) was doomed forever lol!!
Reading this thread has terrified me!!

Did any of you ladies who tore massage your perineum with oil before the birth? I've started doing it as I've been told it can help (and I can't see how it could hurt), but just wondered if you had any actual experience??
I didn't massage, but it wasn't my perineum that tore, it was my labia.
I didn't get chance to massage cos they say start at 37 weeks and Rubie was born at 37 weeks. I'm not sure where I tore as I was taken to theatre after and cut anyway so I had stitches the whole length of my perineum plus some!!
Babies being too big for the hole they have to come out of isn't one of the better design features of the human is it? I mean it's all very well having a big brain, but couldn't we have zips or something?
LOL Skidoo, great idea!! :lol: stop making me laugh it makes my bits hurt! :lol:

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