Something Is Happening..


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Yesterday I went in to the antenatal ward for monitoring of babys heartbeat. On the way I said to my oh that I felt a bit weird, just heavy and more uncomfortable.

The trace was all fine and we're all set for the induction on Monday. However the midwife pointed out that i'd been having tightenings and seemed surprised that I hadn't felt them as they were showing up clearly on the trace!

Not much else happened yesterday, other than a crampy back. I didn't sleep too well last night, I kept feeling a bit 'trickly' down below (sorry, tmi!) but nothing that made me think it was waters going or anything. I got up for the loo this morning and I think i've had a show! I'm getting a few more tightenings, nothing regular though, and I feel sick and like there's a huge pressure on my back passage (sorry again!)

If this isn't the start of things then at least I know the induction wont be so bad tomorrow!

I can't believe it's all happening!!
good luck!

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Gosh you lot in Tri 3 are popping them out left, right and centre at the moment!

Best of luck hun and I'll be keeping an eye out for your update

Def sounds like you are on your way! The babies are going daft at the minute, wonder who will be next! Good luck x
oh good luck hun, although knowing ur getting induced tomorrow is good at least u know one way or another u'll have ur baby soon. Hope this means ur induction will go smoothly and quickly xx
They all sound like positive signs. How exciting! Good luck for tomorrow. x
howre you feeling now?

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Good luck hun :) could be the start of things to come, I went into labour with DD the day before I was due to be induced :) x x

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