Somebody slap me!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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I'm getting really paranoid because I was getting awful morning sickness and since yesterday have felt absolutely fine :? I dont have sickness anymore and I just dont feel pregnant in any way :(
I know I am probably worrying over nothing and need a slap but I cant help having this overwhelming feeling of fear now :(
Oh hunny please dont!

I am sure everything is fine :hug:
i think everyone goes through this, i did thats why i bought another test - no need to slap you but you can have a :hug:
Thanks girls, I'm sorry for whining :oops: I hate this early days bit, bring on the scan :hug: :hug:
arghhhhhhh i posted 2 posts 4 this n thry av both gone :think:
but basically st :think: stop worrying hun u will b fine trust me im sure
ejjie posted a similiar 1 lst week n i told her she will regret posting it n this week she has really bad sickness .
mine cums and goes anull xx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks Larisa :hug: :hug: Going to window shop for baby things to make me feel better, cant wait to buy stuff :hug:
first tri is hard but i am hoping its true it gets better!
roll on tri 2 ladies :cheer:
yess i cnt wait tri2 is sooooooooooo quiet without u lot ,,,,i b counting dwn the weeks 4 ya xx
I was sick 2 weeks ago and not been sick since and my scan showed healthy hearbeat last week. So try and n ot worry - think its norma;l!! :hug:
Thank you hun :hug: Got my reassurance scan in 11 days, will be happier then I think :hug: :hug:
I'm sure all is fine. It seems like lots of people have symptoms that come and go. Hopefully the next 11 days will fly by for you :hug:
It's normal for the symptoms to decrease hun. Don't worry! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've been feeling unpregnant too :think:

Then today, I had my first major wave of retching nausea :puke:

I have noticed that the bit where my six-pack would be if I wasn't a flabby mare refuses to be held in now :rotfl:

Then OH kissed me earlier with cheesy dorito breath and I was off again :puke:

Oh and I am still glugging Dr Pepper again, which is always a sign of pregnancy for me...

Guess all those sticks I peed on weren't lying afterall :rotfl:
Can i join you ?
I dont feel pregnant today hopefully your 11 days will go fast ...i cant wait for my 12 week scan to check all is still ok

Huggles Ayse xxxx
:hug: aww hun we will worry the whole way through i don't think you are in need of a slap at all xx
I was feeling fine until I got my scan date, now I'm convinced I'm going to find out there's something wrong, or there isn't even a baby there at all. I just keep telling myself that EVERY pregnant woman has these blind panics and it's a totally normal part of pregnancy. Have lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks a lot girls, feeling a bit more relaxed about things today :hug:

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