Somebody slap me!


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Ok, it's CD99 and I'm sat twiddling my thumbs wondering about the mild cramping and spotting I had yesterday (and I know this is more likely all part and parcel to my underlying issues - possible PCOS) and I couldn't help myself. I POAS. :blush:

Sorry for the blurry pic, I have another but it won't upload properly! :brat:

Feel free to slap me, I know how silly it is to expect a positive test so late in my cycle. :rolleyes:

x x


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Hey miss j, if i had to wait 100 days I think I would have poased a great many times by now, esp as your sister took ages for her bfp to show.

I'll leave the pic to the line spotters but good luck xx

Are you thinking of trying agnus castus at all, it seems to have given good results on pf xx
Lol Tinsel, I don't think this is it but I couldn't help myself. :rolleyes:

I used AC this cycle, I stopped at CD18 I think, got a smiley face on digi OPK on CD29, 31, 51, 53, 70-something and 93. :shock:

I got faint lines on hpts in the mean time but I think the tests were just evil cos CB digis were negative.

x x
You're making me wanna test lol!

I don't think I see anything Hun, post the other piccy! :)

sorry hun im afraid there is def no line, i know its hard for you xx
Lol Maybe! I'm terrible, I know there's no way it could be anything other than an evap if anything. :rolleyes: x

Roxane - Ah don't be sorry hun, I'm totally ok about it, I feel a bit better about things now we're going to see a gyno so I don't feel as lost as I used to lol. x

Here's another pic though.

if it helps i took a bus all the way to a chemist the one with what was clearly a neg test as i was convinced i saw a line.

your time will come, take care n good luck at the gyno
I would give you a shake however I am not better and demonstrate equally crazy behaviour!

Mmm your cycles are long mine average about 100-105 days I won't bore you with the details but I ended up taking AC, acupuncture, herbal stuff the lot infact I'm surprised I wasn't chanting and hopping on one foot at the same time!

Anyway ooh you never know good luck! I had my last AF in feb got a BFP in July sadly this little sunbeam wasn't meant to be but it hasnt deterred me and I'm pretty sure I ovulated 10th sept!

Fingers crossed for you xxx
Ah thanks hun. :hugs:

Mine are crazy too - ranging from 66-100+ days. I'm not too fussed at the mo, I feel completely chilled out. :)

Sorry to hear of your loss but FX for your BFP this month! :yay: x x
lol, why when i can see a line no body else can :lol:

They are very light though, well what i can see anyway, so i wouldn't get your hopes up... plus i would have though that the cramping and spoting would be "AF" more than pregnancy in your situation ;)
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I see the faintest of lines but it doesn't look pink! It's either that or my eyes are making lines! I'm crap at line spotting!! x x
I don't think I can see a line but I keep hearing stories of women testing one day and then several days later they get a BFP. There is still hope while AF is at bay. Hopeful your doctor can reassure you. All the best Miss July and FX ladies xx
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You made me POAS!! :roll:

I got the faintest of faint faint lines, I could see the strip, I don't think it could be a BFP though at 4DPO!

i see a VERY faint line but in your 1st test i didnt see one .. fx hun
CD100 today and nothing. I did say it was more likely an evap than anything - I just couldn't help myself!

I don't think my spotting would be AF, I had some pokey, achey feelings on my left side quite low down and the spotting was actually less than a teaspoon of blood but with lots of CM! (TMI alert!!)

Only 13 days to go til we see the gyno! :yay:

x x
I don't know, I've been over 100 days before so we'll have to see what happens. :think: x

CD102 today though!! :faint: x x

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