Some assistance please girls?!

I found some thermometers for 10 american dollars, thats expensive to me but I will be buying one. So are we supposed to temp everyday before we get out of bed? When exactly do we temp? I haven't a clue....No we haven't been trying for over year, thats why I can't really get upset. I just need to pick myself up and dust myself off..I think I tested after I missed my period with my son. Oh I want some cool pink pens and a cute pink notebook to chart on :) all the little things that make us happy

Volvic? mineral water? yeah too much drink will dilute your pee hun better to hold it as long as you can....
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Excuse the language but i was pissing like a race horse and it was clear wee too so thats obv way too dilute, ill test tnight..

Check out this love:

Its a guide on how to do it. One I read says you need to temp before you sit up, like as you wake have the thermo nxt to you and take it as the more you move the hotter you are ect..

Yeah i know im only c2 im a longggg way to go.

Oh do you already have a kid :shock: how old are you, you quite young aswell! Xxxxx

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I'm 32 my ds is 12. I was looking to see how long we have been ttc and really its only been 2 cycles LOL I thought it had been longer!!! that jsut goes to show how impatient I am! I was really wanting to convieve and have a baby this year but its not looking that way...2013 baba it is!!

Great website! btw I had no iead you could temp:temp: vaginally.....
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Oh right, you look about 25-26 in your pic lol I usually think Americans look older (no offence) ..
I have a wee babyface :) I still get id'd everywhere, someone said they thought I looked 16 then asked me back to his place for "coffee" which was quite alarming.

Yeah we just decided to get straight on it, I had my implant out over a year ago but we were ntnp, so I just waited till my cycles died down and i had read up on opks ect so february we just said right lets go. And then we had to get a bigger flat so everyone kinda guesses were trying, some even suspect im pregnant cause of the sudden move lol. I wish.

Have you got anything nice planned for over the weekend? xxxxx

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no offense taken..I say I look younger because I have chubby cheeks lol.

Nothing special planned for the weekend my dh and i are home bodies we like to rent movies and lounge around the house most of the about you?
Exactly the same, i come home on a friday, tidy up, feed the cats, have a shower, get nice ironed pajamas and snuggle on the couch with a takeaway and some weekend tv :) and then tomorrow Ill go to see my nephew he turned a big 2 today :) and then sunday is my pajama day, i get up have a shower get clean pajamas and watch disney dvds in bed and a sunday roast :) and have an all day bed day lolol im a creature of habbit definately! David says im like a vamp haha xxxx

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lol wow that soudns great too bad I can't go and visit and watch movies with you lol, my son will be with his dad this weekend so it will quiet at home, I take college course on Saturday morning but after that I go home and lounge play with my dauschund Samson and maybe go to the shops with my dh...for a man he sure likes to shop lol
Im more of an onliner myself, we dont drive so its easier for us to get our food, i promise its not lazyness the flat we have is in a quiet area jus what I need.

Awww i have my kitties with me I have a german shepherd but hes with my mum. Two cats are enough although I will prob end up with maybe one more in the future if I get a bigger house years down the line I mean.

Yeah I know Ive been to Florida and Colorado before but never Texas. America is THE best, I dont like to shop but I save for ages and blow it when I go to america. Cant wait to go to vegas and get married AND i will finally be legal to drink :) xxxxx

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Ah hun I don't think your lazy at all, If I could order out and netflix all day I would!

I've never been outside of the US, We used to go to Mexico a lot whe I was younger but not any more, too much violence with the Cartel and all. My husband is from California so we visit his family. But only once a year. We live in a small 2 bedroom with not much but for us three and out little Samson, we want to but a home and are currently house shopping...hopefully we will be moved in or getting ready to move in when I get my bfp!

Can you believe Vegas doesn't really call my attention? I think I would like to go to New York, the big apple I have never been. You should come to Texas! yeeehaw!!lol
I only wanna go to get married cause im not religious really.. Me and david arent traditional either and both dont want a big thing we like to be private and i think its because im like an open book most of the time so i want to go away alone with dj for our 10th anniversary. I will spend a big amount on my dress but im not too fussed about anything else i wanna have a drink get married and go have fun :)

Aw id love to go to texas :D your like my wee sandy squirel im a HUGE spongebob fan i have everything imaginable down to underwear haha :) I already have a patrick star friend shes my bestie/cousin so you can be sandy. And suri my cat is gary, meow. I even have a gap in my front teeth, not too big tho thankfully :P

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Okay so how bout this, I done some more tests today and they were lighter, the pic below is starting from 2 days ago then the darker ones are in the middle they are from yesterday and so my surge was last nightish, we bd'd with c+ last night the night before and we will bd tonight. I am currently feeling fluttery on my left side so maybe if my surge was last night I may be possibly oving tnight is that about right? Xxxxx

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Oh yes bd tonight and tomorrow !!! Maybe even the next day too!

Haha idk who sandy is, I don't watch sponge bob :(my dh and I just went to the court house and got married, nothing fancy. I wore a cream colored dress(second marriage and all) then in the evening we had a small dinner for family and a few friends. No real honeymoon (sound sad huh) but I just wanted to be his bride :) that's all that mattered to me!

Btw I went to the pharmacy today after work and bought a basel temp thermometer !!!!
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Good for you :) temping buds. Although we prob dont have the same cycles since your jst abt due af and im entering 2ww. But then youll have a head start and can show me urs by the time I start to temp lol :)

My filofax is due today and its still not came. Its only 10am here :) you temp from CD1 so if af shows temp anyway though it. Did u read the instructions.

David asked where bouts in texas you live :) ? Xxxxx

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Near Dallas. Yeah af showed do I've started temping this morning. Yeah not cycle buds but we can still keep each other up to date with symptoms...and temp patterns:)
Yeah you temp the first full day of af so if your only spotting just now wait till tmoz..

Yeah we can, my filofax came eeeek im excited :)

Meant to say to you - you got a journal?xxxxx

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I bought a little notebook, but my apps have a place for temps and the thermometer cam with a little chart too so I think I'm set. This witch was mean this weekend, I felt like poo and was super grouchy!!
Well im waiting on my effing thermo, got sent 30th march so should be soon..

How u feeling now wee one?xxxx

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better now af is just about done...hey I'm gonna inbox you

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