Some advice please


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2012
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My scan on monday didn't detect a heartbeat. I should be 10 weeks.

Looking around it appears as though the heartbeat is formed around 6 weeks?

With this in mind why did I not just miscarry? Why is the foetus still there?

Very annoying that the hospital almost appear to give you false hope when I know it's not going to work out.

What is going to happen?

Thank you xx
So sorry darling my body missed my miscarriage for 4 weeks and I eventually lost the baby at 14 weeks x I had to wait a week after I found out to miscarry naturally it was heartbreaking x these things are so so cruel you can't get bogged down by the what ifs x

Its called a missed miscarriage so sorry for your loss xxxx

:whistle: Fapatalking :whistle:
have they told you your options hun x you can have a tablet, an quick operation or wait it out x hope you are with somemone through this x
Hey honey, Im so sorry. You tend to find that the hospital tend to go with the more positive approach that perhaps you had mis-calculated hos far along you actually were eith the pregnancy. Assuming a few weeks being possible so still a chance of a viable pregnancy. Thats what they dis with me! Im sorry to her its isnt better news. Make sure you get information on all your options and take vare of yourself!
They won't do anything. They said to rescan me in 10 days. But what's the point. My dates aren't wrong by a whole month.

I really don't get it.

Thank you ladies xx
With my mmc last year I found out at 11+1 weeks that my baby stopped growing at around 5-6 weeks. They told me because of my dates and when I got my first positive hpt that I would mc, but they weren't allowed to do anything until they did a follow up scan. They did another scan a week later, in which they saw a yolk sac, again I was told I would mc, but they couldn't do anything because there had been change between the 2 scans even though it wasn't a viable pregnancy. Fortunately I started to mc naturally before my next scan.

The system is so screwed up, but there isn't much we can do about it. I really hope they give u some answers at ur next scan and I'm so sorry u are going through this :hugs: xx
Will I know if it happens? I've had a lot more blood the past few hours but no pain.

Sorry for all the questions c
So sorry hun. If you're having a lot of bleeding then it's likely happening for you now. I lost my first at 6 weeks and I bled for roughly 4 days although lots of people bleed for longer x:hug:
hi im realy sorry to hear this but unfortunatly sometimes our body just does not recognise that the baby has stopped growing etc and can take weeks n weeks for it to misscarry is its so cruel of our bodies do do this and its happened to me twice now and its horrible,they have to do follow up scan to make sure and cover there own backs i think...u will lose clots and the sac will come away,i hope its not to bad for you take care xxx
Sounds like the system is different as i wasn't offered a re-scan just an erpc

I was told i couldn't have the erpc if bleeding & that it the natural m/c was the only option

Hope you have some paracetemol on hand as it can get quite painful. If you are losing lots of blood or feel unusually unwell/dizzy then go to hospital.

If it's of use to know, my baby was sized at 9w+3, i found out at 12w it had died and miscarried almost completely on 12w+4 - the bleeding was extremely heavy for 1 day (i rushed to hospital where they removed manually some of the larger things inside that were stuck) and then had light bleeding for about 2 weeks.

I'm so so sorry for your loss xxxx
The reason I had a re scan is because nothing was seen on the first scan, only an empty sac. The second scan showed a yolk sac which is why they wanted to do a third scan, but I didn't yet that far. I think if they see a baby with no heartbeat they can be more conclusive with what to do next.

My bleeding started as a pop and a gush of blood. I then had cramps on and off all night and was passing clots for 1 day after that it was like a period. My bleeding never stopped on its own though until I had an op to remove the rest of the tissue that got stuck, but that is very rare to happen. Xx
i was offered a follow up scan too but mc naturally in the end, they will scan you after to check all has passed though xxx
i wasnt offered a rescan with second mmc but had a scan at 7 weeks showed hb but was small and next scan 10 weeks no hb so was pretty conclusive and altho i asked questions they offered me another scan but i declined i didnt see point in prolonging the agony for myself i could see by the scan it was over i didnt need to see that again.

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