Second miscarriage in 2 months

So sorry leesey. Thats true what sunbeamer has said, if you have low progesterone levels then your body wont be able to continue with the pregnancy, or chemical pregnancys happen. You can have what i am on there called progesterone cyclogest, i am taking them this month while in my 2ww just to give me that extra support hence i have suffered losses before & they do help prevent another loss.

There is a number of reasons why you are miscarrying so early, Chemical pregnancys can be down to a genetic chromosome fault, where during conception the cells have not divided properely there for the body will reckonise the fault in the embryo onec the embryo implants & starts to develope hcg. The embryo will stop growing & cancel its self out. There is loads of woman who have had more than 1 chemical but gone on to have a successfull pregnancy.

Another is womb lining problems, i.e fibroids. polyps, inside the uterus that can cause problems when a embryo implants which causes early miscarriage, OR a blood clotting problem that can also cause miscarriages. With your type of early losses, people are given 75mg of baby asprin to take the day after ovulation & some progesterone support. See your gp see if he can offer you this support, am not sure if you will be refared to see a miscarriage dr, because you have to of had more than 3 before they will take it seriouse which is disgusting i know.

If you dont get any help from your gp, then you can buy the asprin over the counter, it has to be baby asprin 75mg, however before you do so, i would speak with your doctor about it & see if he can suggest somthing or suggest some hormone tests to be done.

I am now going to go into the whole dr head of mine hahaha. There is somthing called immune disorders, natural killer cells, these are inside the uterus they can stop implantion so you dont get pregnant or they can let you get pregnant then stop the pregnancy from progressing. They eat away at the embryo as soon as its attached, or in later pregnancy like my losses, they eat away at the placenta, acting like my babies are what they call foreighn objects. Like a form of cancer, my body thinks i am unwell when really i am just pregnant, but my immune disorder is to high because of these natural killer cells. Steriods prednisilone help with these natural killer cells, & your supposed to take them from ovulation day up to test day, however these meds you can only be prescribed through your gp, fertility/miscarriage Dr.

Theres so many reason but not all will be explained & left unexplained cause theres not always a answer. Hopefully next pg will be successfull. Here if you need a chat. xxx
Still haven't bled yet kanga xx

And there is no way you can get to a dr hun?

You don't have to go to your own, you can go to a walk-in (although they will most likely refer you to the EPU?)

When is half term for you?

Still haven't bled yet kanga xx

And there is no way you can get to a dr hun?

You don't have to go to your own, you can go to a walk-in (although they will most likely refer you to the EPU?)

When is half term for you?


It was last week, so no more days off. Managed to get a dr app tomorrow at three so will just need an hour off and its my non contact time anyway.

Star, I really appreciate the information. Its but so much the cps I'm bothered about but two consecutive miscarriages is definitely cause for concern. Hopefully get it sorted, if not will try the baby aspirin xx
Will this stuff do as baby aspirin? I know it's not actually called baby aspirin, but this is the 75mg stuff.

I read you should start taking it the first day of a cycle, which would be today as I just started bleeding.

Anyone who's taken it been advised of any risks involved? I can only find risks associated with the normal doses of aspirin.

I feel quite happy about doing something proactive, as I've got a feeling the doctor tomorrow won't take me seriously. It's not my usual doctor I'm seeing as she's on holiday, but there's a reason why I go see her instead of the male doctors, as sexist as that sounds!! She was brilliant last month after my last miscarriage, she really validated everything I was going through. I could be jumping the gun by assuming I won't be taken seriously, but I'd rather not let it take me by surprise and get upset by it.

Would like to hear other people's experience of baby aspirin xx
Yes leesey they should be ok. There coated too which is good if you have ulcers or any other stomich complaints. However long term use of asprin can cause internal bleeding! dont read stuff from the net, take my 5 year experiance of taking baby asprin. I wouldnt take this long term with out a dr's approval & doctors monitering. I have took this long ago from cd1 to test day but i have now been told to take it from day of ovulation up to test day, thats 2wks which isnt too long on them. You CANT take asprin if you have asthma, & if you do suffer with any stomach complaints that you know of like ulcers, gastritis, asthma, then dont take it till you have spoken with your gp. xx
Getting referred! Very happy about that, the doctor was so understanding.

No baby aspirin allowed, last resort only says doc, cos I'm asthmatic.

Feeling positive despite having a mini break down in the car home from work, everyone must have thought I was mad having a full blown sob while driving, I even thought the police were going to pull me over!

Just keeping everything crossed it's a quick referral and onwards from there :)
Getting referred! Very happy about that, the doctor was so understanding.

No baby aspirin allowed, last resort only says doc, cos I'm asthmatic.

Feeling positive despite having a mini break down in the car home from work, everyone must have thought I was mad having a full blown sob while driving, I even thought the police were going to pull me over!

Just keeping everything crossed it's a quick referral and onwards from there :)

I am so glad they are taking you seriously hun!

Let's hope you get your referral quickly

Just wrote in ur other thread but I am over the moon that the doc referred u, I hope is a speedy one so u can get ur November bfp xxx
Thats great news that your being refared ;) i said you cant take the asprin if your asthmatic didnt i, hope its a quick appointment & you get to the bottom of these early losses hun, goodluck xx
i said you cant take the asprin if your asthmatic didnt i

Normally I'm not affected as I don't have bad asthma and rarely use inhalers. You're not supposed to take ibuprofen either but this has never applied to me.
The doctor said I can start taking it as a last resort, but no need to jump to it straight away. I will maybe reconsider taking it if I get a bfp next month.
so sorry hun.. I had a m/c just a week ago.. the second one in 5 months so I know how you feel.. take care xx
Glad the dr has eferred you hun,I thi k you just need to push for these things sometimes, and stress how down it as all making you feel and not be fobbed off with only investigate after 3 MC.
I have had two MC and I pushed and my dr has referred me.
I got a letter with my appt for mid Feb (5 monts after!) so I phoned up and spoke to the consultants Secretary and she moved me forward, I now have my appt on 14th Nov. So what I am saying is dont stop pushing to get what you want!
Good luck!! Lets hope 3rd time lucky for both of us. xxxx
oh really pleased you got your appt so soon corrinne, well done on the perseverance!
oh really pleased you got your appt so soon corrinne, well done on the perseverance!

Thanks dysco,
sometimes i think if you dont ask you dont get!!
Not expecting them to say too much really though, from what I have read most MC 's are un diagnosed and inconclusive, but it will be good to see a specialist and just see what they say. xxx

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