So who has started buying for Xmas? (Wobbles ;) )

:D :D :D :D

i started looking at stuff today and making lists :yay: woopwoop!!
love the drawing table btw mamafy... im totally stumped for what to buy ffion :eek:|
thats a great buy!!
i really need to start thinking about xmas what with having a new baby by then
you have got me thinking :wall2: OH has gone out and totally bored so you know what im doing later writing a xmas list :lol:
my ideas for Rhys include:

Uno card game
simple games like Connect 4 and Hungry Hippos
DS games
New case for his DS
I've got into quite a flap about it all :shock:

I have 3 sets of uniforms to buy, Katies birthday in September, Joes birthday in October, the baby more than likely in November then Xmas obviously December :faint:
yeah im thinking ds games wondered if there is a toy 3 one yet?
cant go wrong with dvds either
my ideas for Rhys include:

Uno card game
simple games like Connect 4 and Hungry Hippos
DS games
New case for his DS

Great list :) check Argos for games on 2 for £15 :dance:
my ideas for Rhys include:

Uno card game
simple games like Connect 4 and Hungry Hippos
DS games
New case for his DS

Great list :) check Argos for games on 2 for £15 :dance:

:rofl: i was just looking on there! :thumbup:

and yeah i bet you are trying to get yourself organised! :hugs:

and yeah i think theres a toy story 3 game out
I've got into quite a flap about it all :shock:

I have 3 sets of uniforms to buy, Katies birthday in September, Joes birthday in October, the baby more than likely in November then Xmas obviously December :faint:

goodness mamafy busy time!! i forgot about school uniform :wall2: and mine need everything this year as then have grown loads!!!
I've got a couple bits squirrelled away but you've def got me thinking that I should make a list (not that it'll be very long this year as OH wont be here :-( )
as come xmas I'll have my hands full! Think I'll try and do it all in October when I finish work.
Rhys school uniform is done already exept his jumpers
I have thought about it - I am going to promise myself to get everything by the end of October I think :)
ive started buying:whistle:

yes im a loser ... i like to have EVERYTHING done by november so i can enjoy december and have money to do things... but with madison here i want it done by september :s wish me luck lol but were going abroad in october and i want to go away knowing its all done and not pqanicking bout xmas?!?!

im getting madison one of those 10months plus trikes that grows with them its like £85 alone :l but i defo think worth it and ill prob spoil her rotten so im aiming to get everyone else sorted for the end of this month then august is all for my princess!! :D xx
i like to have my kids done by september so i can get all the adults done by November..
I like to be completely done by end of October and with 6 children :)faint:) to buy for this year I'll have my work cut out! I'm not getting any Xmas things for bubs until he/she is here and what I will be getting will only be a few 1st xmas bits, a bumbo and a cot activity centre :yay:

Oh I forgot to add to my my massive lists I've got painting work to get done in the house plus Joe is moving into a new room so loads to buy for that :shock: Ryan my eldest is too but he's buying his own stuff :lol:
arrrhhh im stuck for amy coz its christmas then her birthday and i dunno what to get her for her christening she got a walker a play mat thing with sensitive pads and it plays music she got a 6 in 1 quadbike and and one of the push walkers she got a nice winnie the pooh dish set and she got a door bouncer but got no where to put it as it wont fit on my door frame i dunno wheather to ask for vochers or somethin or just let them get her anything
Wow haha go you!

We'll do a secret santa on PG forum too :yay:

I'm starting in September although I've Caitlins birthday to do as well!

My ideas so far;
A bike (but my Mum is buying her one now, she wants to do both the girls 1st bikes)
Dressing table I'm sure I had more ideas! DOH

Always a Disney DVD from day one as a shared gift now.
:yay: The secret santa :love:

I'm getting Katie one of those big girl dolls like the baby annebell or baby born :) oh and I've saw a wooden swinging crib for it in a little toy shop here :love:

Joe is into Cars (the disney film) now (thanks to your Xmas pressies charls :rofl: ), he reads the books over and over and has started collected the little cars and has the film in our sky+ :rofl: So I'm getting him a little Cars tent for his room and other Cars stuff :yay:

Cara wants a Nintendo DSI XL and the older 2 are having little mini laptops, found them for reasonable :)

Plus the usual perfume, aftershave, dvds etc etc
I need a decent doll and pram for Caitlin actually! Although Im not sure I can wait, she could do with them now. Her baby light ones are useless to her now.

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