So who has started buying for Xmas? (Wobbles ;) )

I'm getting the crib because then Joe won't tow it on his tractor as a trailer :rofl:
Not me yet, will soon though!
Eek I so can't wait till christmas, it's my fav time of year!! I've been thinking of what to get people so far but don't normally start buying till end of august! I'll prob start buying this year once I've finished baby shopping and that's nearly done!! Christmas will be great this year with little man too!!
I am going to start early this year....I usually wont buy till after Em's birthday 15th November!
Have thought about it but with having bought nothing for the baby yet it's gonna have to go on hold! Am hoping to get the baby stuff all done thought within the next month so I can get going with Xmas.. Can't wait! I love Xmas, specially the food :dance:
Yeah Ive started preparing for Xmas but as I make most of the gifts we give I havent really shelled out much atm as I have most of the supplies already!

But I LOVE LOVE LOVE christmas so I would prepare all year round if I would be able to get away with it! And I do love Christmas shopping!! lol
Howay man lasses, it's bloody July!! Divent be ruining me summer by talking about Christmas shite :lol:

Christmas is cold, expensive, tiring, and bloody hard work!! I'm not a fan xx
I bought my first christmas gifts last week! :lol:

We went to pasttimes in an outlet centre and everything was sooo cheap. Books were buy one get one free. Everyone is getting books this year, I have no idea when Im gonna be able to go christmas shopping again with the LO!

Ive got a massive family and we're all going to my parents place this year, think there will be 12 of us, and if youre spending the day with someone, you kind of have to give them something!!
I am terrible, I always say that i will be organised for Christmas and then at the last second i panic. I will also see things, but just can't bring myself to buy them until closer to Christmas.

This year i need to be organised and need to get it all done, before i struggle to walk around the shops all day, with a baby due any time around Christmas, i really need it done by mid November then i can slowly get things wrapped.
Baahhhhhh humbug toon!!! lol

Ah Im terrible....I LOVE the winter months better than summer, love everything about xmas and the run up to it and LOVE getting to spend loads of time with my extended family!

Making up another batch of sugar scrubs next week so another gift sorted for the ladies :-) xx
Oh yes CBum I would def get sorted this year and be ahead of yourself with lo on its way...ahhh fab!! xx
Guess what... I brought my first present!! Think this thread got me excited!! It's only 2 bath and body sets but they were a fiver each so thought well that's OH's sisters sorted hahaa
I even start adding bits to my food orders that are for the cupboard! Custards munchies jar sauces stuffing cakes etc
impressed!!! im going to my parents for christmas, dont have to worry about the food then :lol:
oi grinch, thats my boys first christmas youre talking about there!
Oh my god, I forgot about christmas! Ive got two birthdays to sort out in October, then mine in december, then giving birth to baby, and then christmas aswell !? *dies*
Stroke first pressie off the list :wall: I went to collect it and it was blue :eh: I can't be giving katie a blue desk so the search continues :mad:

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