So scared :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I am suffering from anxiety badly, as my experience last time wasnt very good I am not looking forward to give birth, been discussing my anxiety with the doctor and she says I will be offered pain relief which I think is great, last time i didnt get anything and was refused painrelief etc (I am from another country and things work different there than in UK)

Now as I am getting closer, I struggle to sleep, and I feel down all time thinking about giving birth everyday. I feel like having a c-section but know its risk with c-section aswell.. Just feel terrible:(

Really dont want to go throuh that again but know it will be worth it all when baby is out... Just dont know what I can do, worry I will panick when contractions set in etc!
Oh you poor love..... I've been advised to not think about my last labour cos this is a different baby and will be a totally different experience. If you start off stressed it will just make you tense up and make the whole labour worse! Try some relaxation techniques and put what is in the past behind you. I hope I can practice what I preach....
yes you are right.. try not to think about it but really cant help it.. feel quite down today about it:( x
i suffer from that to but think is gas and air makes mine worse so i avoid it lol hope eveything goes ok for u x
I've read a lot of good things on here about the natal hypnobirthing cd's relaxing you in advance. I might try it nearer the time as I think I will get anxious too. You read so many good and bad birthing stories on here! Think there is a lot to be said about the mind being your own worst enemy sometimes. I always over think in general, men have an easy life!

poppy x
I was exactly like you apart from i had never been through it before. I could of made myself ill thinking about it! I wanted a c-section so badly... anything to not have to go through labour. Its meant to be easier second time round so just think about the positive things! You went through it without pain relief last time even though you went through hell you know you can get through it, our bodies are made to do it. I bet it will be so much easier for you this time! Remember you can have all that good pain relief. Have you thought about an Epidural? If so let them know as soon as you go in :) Your gonna be great! x x x
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