So many pregnancy signs and only 4 weeks pregnant!


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
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Hi All,

I'm very new to this forum (only joined today), I did a pregnancy test this morning and its positive. As well as being very excited I am really nervous - This is my first pregnancy.

I was very surprised that I am experiencing so many pregnancy symptoms at this stage (this is what prompted me to test today after my period being a few days late). I have had very light cramping pains in the early part of this week, I was convinced I must be coming on my period. I have been feeling a little lightheaded at times and more recently I've developed a strange taste in my mouth - its almost like everything I eat is salt?? Has anyone else experienced this??

On top of this I feel tired, hungry, very hot and bloated!

I think I generally feel very pregnant!

Would love to hear from anyone experiencing the same symptoms and also anyone who is also due in October

Being my first pregnancy I'm hoping to get lots of advice from other mums and mums to be.


i;m due on 7th october...

i had loads of symptoms when i first got positive test...then between about 5 and 6 weeks...they all calmed down and now i'm 7 weeks, they are back!! he he

you will get loads of support and help on here

Thanks, it must be hormones racing at the moment.

Its really nice to have some support now as I don't want to tell my friends and family until after 12 weeks but I get the feeling that will feel like a very long time!!
I found out at 5 weeks and by then i had sickness, bloatness, the tiredness was unbelievable and hormones were every were x
congrats!! i'm due in october too.

Found out about week 4.5, was extra moody. felt a little sicky occasionally, for example i can't stomach cereal in the mornings any more and have to have toast! week 6 my boobs started hurting but not had any actualy sickness so far. other than that just feel bloated and get full easily.
oh and very very ver tired! naps are your friend!
Hello & Welcome Nat26 :wave:

Congratulations, Im also due in Oct around the 9th.

Im getting lots of symptoms, feeling really sick, very bloated and I get tired very easily. My skin is also not the best at the moment I get the best breakouts, but Im very happy to be pregnant so they don't get me down!! :):)

Congratulations to you all too, its really nice to hear I am not alone!

As for the skin Vicky, I'm totally with you there - I currently look like a spotty teenager!

I'm really hoping I don't get any actual sickness, so far its just a little dizziness.

Hemera - naps sound good, I can definitely cope with that.

Nice to see others due in October :)

Can anyone tell me how I can get the baby due date calculators everyone has on their posts? They look fab xx
The first thing I noticed was very sore slightly swollen breasts (never get them that bad usually), and that was 6 days post ovulation! First positive test, when I knew for sure, was about 5 days before my period was due. I'm now about 5 1/2 weks and my breasts are HUGE, mood is going mental, and the nausea is starting to kick in a bit more. Wouldn't have it any other way though ;)

Ps - also should be due in mid October (fingers crossed!)
I'm due a bit before you, but I will tell you I had symptoms WAY early this time. (I did not feel any ounce pg with either of my first two until 6-7 weeks though.)

This time, a full week and a half before missed af - I started waking every night DRENCHED in sweat - it was really gross. I was (and still am) just so HOT all the time, day or night. I had cramps, really sore bb's, and I would say even some mild nausea. I felt so pg, I took three tests a full week and a half early - pretty much knowing it was too early and they'd be negative - but there were definitely physical signs.

Hya hon!

I just found out today as well-lol I was that convinced I wasn't pregnant I did the test in tesco loo! I'm about 4 weeks gone as well.


Congrats & welcome.

I'm due October as well currently being 5 week & 2 days. I've not had many signs, just tiredness and being very bloated mainly but with the occasional bout of sick feeling. I was prompted to do my test when my AF was not there first thing like it always is and I just had a feeling to check.
Hiya, I'm due 26th Oct. I've got a few mild symptoms but nothing major - slightly sore boobs, needing to wee more often, tiredness, pains in my lower abdomen, feeling hungry all the time!

Welcome to the forum!
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Ah wow DW1978, i'm due on 26th October too!

I have pains at the moment, like mild period pains - I hope this is normal??
Im having mild period pains too Nat26, it is normal as everything is changing to make room for your growing baby :) xx
Thanks Mummy2Adam, thats really reassuring. Hope the pains stop soon though as it makes me worry :-(
mentioned these to the midwife and she said its normal - feeling like your due on any minute. Still won't stop me knicker watching tho :p

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