Not many symptoms???


New Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Hi everyone...

I am currently 7 weeks pregnant with my second child...

My first pregnancy was horrendous. I was being very sick from about 2 weeks pregnant and felt so awful everyday. I had alot of time of work due to feeling so sick and horrible.

This time, I have been fine??

I took a test 2 weeks ago 2 days after AF was due and got a 'pregnant 1-2' but I don't really feel pregnant??

I have had a few dizzy spells and some very light cramping feelings.. Literally only a couple... But this stage last time I was hugging the toilet for hours every day.

I am very very tired but I can't help but worry...

Has anyone experienced this? I'm darting to worry :-(

Hey, and welcome. From what I have read on here, it sounds like your lack of symptoms is pretty normal so I wouldn't worry too much, though easier said than done eh? X
Hello! :-)
I have just spent some time reading through other posts and I think you are r
Sorry... Stupid phone. Ha!
... Think you are right.
It's just so hard to beleive I am pregnant when u feel so 'normal'
Thinking of maybe booking an early scan..?
Would be nice to know everything is ok.
Thanks for your kind reply xxx
Hi, welcome to the forum!
Don't worry about it too much, the symptoms really do come and go. In no time you'll be posting about how you want them all to go away :)
Also, congratulations!
My mum was sick as a dog with me and nothing at all with my brother so think this can happen??
Different pregnancies are different, don't worry. I know how you feel, I had loads of yummy symptoms even before I got my BFP, but now just have a few cramps, dizziness and tiredness. I was so convinced I was imagining the whole thing that my friend made me do another test!

Bodies are weird and amazing things and we all adjust to the changes in different ways.
You sound like a lucky one but there's still time to get sick yet...:)


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