so fed up with people and their opinions :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
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Sorry ladies this is going to be a rant!!

I am just getting so fed up with people putting in their opinions when their not wanted!!!

1) why do people ask if your going to find out or not if when you reply yes they just say ''oooooh well your ruining the suprise''

YES i understand why some people dont want to find out but its not exactly going to ruin the suprise at the end of the day it will be a BOY or a GIRL it'd only be a suprise if it was going to be an alien!!!! WHY ASK IF UR ONLY GOING TO SAY NEGATIVE COMMENTS!!!

2) Why do people ask you if you have thought of any names when you give them the names you like and they immediately pipe up ''OOOOH I DONT LIKE THAT!'' WHY ASK IF UR ONLY GOING TO SLAG THEM OFF!? I WOULDNT TURN AROUND AND SAY WHATS YOUR SON/DAUGHTER CALLED- OOH WHAT A HORRID NAME!!!!! same principal!!!

3) and if people ask you about ur pregnancy and lots of intimate questions if you ask them back 'do you want children' they say 'OOOOH NO I DONT WANT TO GET FAT'' oh great that means they think im fat now im pregnant!?!?!?!


Wow i think i needed that outburst lol! some people can be so rude, why ask a question if when u give the answer they just tell u ur wrong, have horrible name choices and look fat...

wow i just felt the stress leave me lol sorry girls said it would be a rant!!
So good to get it all out eh?! I haven't had a problem with number 1 & 3 personally but number 2 omg! Have only mentioned our name choices to one or two people and already their turning their noses up! I said I liked Eli...' Ooo that's that smelly dingle off emerdale! Don't like that!' Ffs!! I don't even watch emerdale! I said I liked Devon to someone else..what a face they pulled! Gonna keep my mouth shut in future!
Sorry ladies this is going to be a rant!!

I am just getting so fed up with people putting in their opinions when their not wanted!!!

1) why do people ask if your going to find out or not if when you reply yes they just say ''oooooh well your ruining the suprise''

YES i understand why some people dont want to find out but its not exactly going to ruin the suprise at the end of the day it will be a BOY or a GIRL it'd only be a suprise if it was going to be an alien!!!! WHY ASK IF UR ONLY GOING TO SAY NEGATIVE COMMENTS!!!

2) Why do people ask you if you have thought of any names when you give them the names you like and they immediately pipe up ''OOOOH I DONT LIKE THAT!'' WHY ASK IF UR ONLY GOING TO SLAG THEM OFF!? I WOULDNT TURN AROUND AND SAY WHATS YOUR SON/DAUGHTER CALLED- OOH WHAT A HORRID NAME!!!!! same principal!!!

3) and if people ask you about ur pregnancy and lots of intimate questions if you ask them back 'do you want children' they say 'OOOOH NO I DONT WANT TO GET FAT'' oh great that means they think im fat now im pregnant!?!?!?!


Wow i think i needed that outburst lol! some people can be so rude, why ask a question if when u give the answer they just tell u ur wrong, have horrible name choices and look fat...

wow i just felt the stress leave me lol sorry girls said it would be a rant!!

sheesh im glad other people feel like this!!!

we said at the begining we were going to find out, now were not sure because its our first and like you said, its either a girl or a boy, iv not sat on any ejaculting random objects or animals so thats outa the question??!! lol

we havnt told anyone the names we like for that reason, people are so god damn rude sometimes, its my child i will call it what we want regardless of what you like/ think!!!

i havent had anyone ask any questions besides have you been sick? no aww your so lucky, sign of problems in later pregnancy that ya know, how bout i didnt ask for your input thanks!! lol

i cant beleive how rude people are sometimes, they need to either be nice to preggers ladies or not talk to us!!!

I've had problems with 1&2 but not 3 x when one of OH's friends said he hated our name choice and it was cruel to call him that I told him the truth, 'i hate your sons name and think it sounds pretentious'. Next time someone says 'no I don't want to get fat' say, 'bit late for that isn't it?' or something similar! The worst one for me is number 1 and it's usually other pg women who piss me off with it the most! IMHO it's not ruining the surprise it's speeding up the inevitable. We would be destined to find out eventually! Besides isn't pushing a human being out of a relatively small orrifice enough of a surprise?! If you don't find out, great! If you do, great! x x
lmao!!! oh bless you kay i know how you feel! people just get me mad with their stupidity. believe it or not in my pregnancy it was my mum who said she didn't like our girls name we picked!! thanks a lot mum. people are so careless, don't think they even think of your feelings! just ignore them all and hold your head high when it comes to your decisions, as thats exactly what they are YOUR DECISIONS. :) i think everyone isalways negative though, must be the way they're wired! lol xxxx
Oh yes i've had this - we haven't experienced 1 as we haven't found out what baby is!!! Yep i've had my mum say she doesn't like our name choices but then again it wasn't her who picked my name when i was born!!! My nan suggested my name and everyone else liked it and i think she had to give in!! Out of our list my mum only likes one of our girls names and one of our boy names!!! Lets hope baby looks like one of these lol!!!
Hahaha! Iv had the same thing!
What iv had more tho, is the ''Ooohh how are you going to cope?'' - well, i dont really have a choice do i dick head? Because iv got a 2 year old, and im pregnant now, and only 20 and moving into my own place on my own with the kids. Its all i get ''Ohhh your gunna struggle arnt you? how are you gunna do that?'' Its like, yeahhh cos i can just choose not to cope ehhh, and always
''Why dont you stay at your mums?'' oh, im sorry.. il just share my room with two kiddies cos youll feel better shall i :|
grrrr some peopleeeeeeeee

This is why i wont tell anyone my name choices lol once babys here people cant say i dnt like that name :D i havent had anyone say anything negative about me finding out im having a boy they just say "oooh so ull hav 1 of each how lovely" guess iv been quite lucky x
Same here, DH and I are keeping her name secret from all family and friends until we announce her birth because it's our decision and I am not prepared to discuss it with anyone.
I have been facing all these 3 questions and should admit that they have clearly stressed me have decided..

1. I am going to find out whether the baby is a boy/girl but wont tell that I don't have their opinion.

2. Discussing names is no option..and I am going to even forget the suggestions they are giving.

3. I am not going to discuss any pregnancy stuff with any girl friends who donot have children..

Although its very hard to follow these above at all times but I have been to avoid these stressful situations bcz of these
hallelujah someone has the same thoughts! Also why is it we get

Your life will change when you have kids
Its one of the hardest things you will ever do
Oh childbirth worst time of my life

They re just some of the comments we have had!
Its so good to know that everyone else is having the same shity time with people?
Most people are so shocked that we haven't found out what we're having as we have 3 girls! As if finding out is going to make it a boy!!!
Then I have to lsiten to "oh I hope its a boy for you this time" and "Your husband will be looking for a boy then?" I feel like telling them go and get their own if they want one that bad and feck off and give my head peace. Other cheeky ones I've had are "Was it planned?" "Will you go again?" and "You'll not know what to do with it if its a boy this time!" do I look that stupid???
I remind myself that they don't mean harm and its just ignorance. Quite stressful though :wall2:
OH and about Names......
Theres no way I'm even discussing tht with anyone including family until baby is here and we have chosen his / her name.
I've only let you guys on here know!
This was from my best mate:

Your boobs will be really saggy post birth


You will never fit in any of your trousers ever again

I really had to hold my tongue!! She is doing my head in with her continued negativity so I am choosing to have some space away from her until she can be nicer!
I'm getting all these sorts of things too - people keep asking if I will find out the sex and as always no matter what I say people are split as to whether they agree or not.
At the moment we haven't decided whether we are going to find out BUT if we do then we will not be telling anyone (well of course I'll tell you guys) not even our parents- it will be our little secret!!! :)
OMG girls i know the biggest thing that bugs me i the name thing and the finding out what it is!!!!!
Well, I'm finding out what it is & I see no bloody shame in doing so! The thing that p****s me off the most is THAT face people pull before they say their piece. You know, squinty eyed, scrunched up face 'smile' before they say 'oh, but then it won't be a surprise'. Yea, AND?

As for the name thing, some people are just so freaking ingnorant to the fact they're insulting someone, it's actually quite scary ... idiots!!!

To all those 'lovely' people out there ... :bum:!!!

There we go, my rant is now over too.
Your message made ma laugh Kay - I have been EXACTLY the same!! I work for an investment bank - full of old fashioned men, and they have been doing my HEAD IN!

I just said - this is my pregnancy so butt out!! LOL xx
I second that! Grr... They worst people who have given me comments are friends who have had children. Bloody winds me up... I will say 'god i am so tired' and they say 'just you wait... you think you're tired now' NO WAY I TOTALLY DID NOT REALISE THE BABY MIGHT KEEP ME UP AT NIGHT... THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR TELLING ME, I THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO BE A BREEZE YOU MORON!!!


^^^:rofl: so true!!! like whenever i wanted anything like.. my blackberry ;) everyone was like 'you have a baby on the way' and it's like errmmm so what does that mean i can't have any luxuries in life?! so stupid.

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