Small pelvic outlet & vaginally delivery


New Member
Sep 29, 2014
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Hi there

I am 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant with my first baby. A brief background about myself: I have PCOS but luckily had no health issues and conceived naturally without any problems. I also have a fibroid in lower uterine segment.

My doctor has booked me for a planned c section next week on 5th of october (exactly 6 days from today) and my due date is on 15th of october.On examining me she said that my pelvic outlet is narrow and usually such babies are delivered through caesarian. Secondly, baby's head has not engaged yet (head has not come down) and even if does, chances of vaginal delivery will be still very low because of narrow pelvic outlet.

Doctor did say if I go into labour before the planned c section, i will be given the chance to deliver vaginally.

She has also said that she will examine me vaginally on the day that the c section is planned, to see if the head has come down (engaged) and if it has, then she will cancel the c section. If the head has not come down by the day c section has been planned, she said it is pointless waiting further for the head to come down and we will have to proceed with c section.

I really want to wait and not have a c section. I mean even if there's a chance of 1% delivering vaginally, why not take it ? My husband thinks otherwise. He says what's the point of suffering and going through so much pain (most probably it will be a prolonged & painful labour, baby will get stuck in the narrow pelvic outlet and leading to an emergency c section).

Any advice or similar experiences ? Thanks a lot !
Not sure. My mother had a narrow pelvis as well, but she was told to have the baby naturally. She subsequently had a horrific birth (especially with no epidural offered!) and she wished she could have had a c-section. The doctors apologised to her after the birth.

But, obviously, my sister came out naturally I the end. Maybe with pain relief it will be alright?

Personally, I'd go with the c-section for the same reasons your OH has said to you.
i do want an epidural if I go into labour naturally. so you mean to say your mother's 1st delivery was horrific and second was alright ?
Absolutely no problems with her second (me), born naturally within a few hours :-)
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Section is gonna be much much more painful. Be an advocate for yourself and tell them no! You can at least give it a chance right? I wouldn't want a section unless absolutely necessary, but it doesn't seem like that's the case if the doctor is saying she would cancel if baby's head is engaged. Good luck and keep us updated!
My mum also had this. She had a difficult time with me but even worse with my sister, my sister ended up wedged, deprived of oxygen and brain damaged. She should have been given a section. See what they say when it gets closer to the time then make your decision.
thanks ladies for your replies. I cancelled my scheduled c section on 5th and have decided to wait until 15th of oct (my due date) and see if head engages or i go into spontaneous labour. i have an appointment on 6th with my doctor. i am glad i cancelled the surgery as i felt i was being rushed and was not given a chance to wait and see what happens.
From my understanding they can't actually say your pevis is too narrow before labour starts because your pelvis is actually built to expand some during labour. It's very difficult to say much just from a physical examination, only if you have propper exams like an xray (which I don't think you can have while pregnant) and it shows an actual deformation can they really know that it will be a problem. It might be worth looking into birth positions that can help maximise your pelvic opening. Hope it goes well for you.
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My mum was x-rayed back in the 80s before my sister was born and was told her pelvis was narrow... still made the poor woman go through natural labour (forceps) without pain relief. Ouch! No wonder the doctors had to apologise for her birth experience afterwards!

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