Eveadel said:Sammystar said:I would never judge or say a mum was 'abusing' her child if she smacks. I know how hard it can be!
I've got the Supernanny book, Little Angels DVD and CD, watched The House of Tiny Tearaways, tried the whatsername Ford methods......We've got a naughty room, we've withdrawn favours, used the ignore bad and praise good method EVERYTHING and still my little angels can mutate into little devils in a whisper for ZERO reason!
Luckily they tend to return back to being angels after a while![]()
Sometimes I even put MYSELF in the naughty room, just to get away from them![]()
Actually, that method seems to shock them and be most effective!
How interesting, the last method works the best!!!
Do you have a preferred method though?
The 'time out' (naughty room) method works really well at home, but you can't do that as easily when out and about.
Ignoring also works, but it's REALLY hard to do when there's a tantrum being thrown and you're in the thick of it. It's also no good when in public because you can't walk away from a child in public, tempting as it may be!
When out in a restaurant, supermarket or other public place and things start to get out of hand, I tend to get down to the childs level, speak in a firm but low voice and say 'everybody's watching you, they are all thinking what as naughty little girl you are....'
This tends to get them thinking and diffuses the situation. Obviously it only works with an older child though.
We also have a behaviour chart at home, and I have to say that works really well. My girls get 'black marks' if they are bad and 'stars' if they are especially good.
Black marks result in withdrawal of favours such as TV, favourite toys etc (a Supernanny tip!) and stars are rewarded with return of TV, toys etc. Also a special little treat if we get many stars ( a rare occurance in our house right now

I've tapped the back of the hand a couple of times, but I don't think it had effect other than two seconds of shock followed by more rebellion!
Crikey, I'm making my kids out to be monsters, they're lovely really

Well, most of the time