i dont know how to put a poll up
but how many of you smack your children for doing really bad stuff?
I do and im not ashamed to admit it, although i have only had to do it a few times with Adele. Once we were in town and she bit me o hard i was bleeding so i smacked her in the street as i thought she deserved it. I got terrible looks from people too
We have a friend whos little girl is wild she kicks people screams and hits if she doesntget her own way and she has never been punished in any way except from a naughty step but she just runs away
You dont have to answer to this just wonderd how many people do smack their kids if they need it?

but how many of you smack your children for doing really bad stuff?
I do and im not ashamed to admit it, although i have only had to do it a few times with Adele. Once we were in town and she bit me o hard i was bleeding so i smacked her in the street as i thought she deserved it. I got terrible looks from people too

We have a friend whos little girl is wild she kicks people screams and hits if she doesntget her own way and she has never been punished in any way except from a naughty step but she just runs away

You dont have to answer to this just wonderd how many people do smack their kids if they need it?