Sleepy Baby??


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi Girls :wave:

My son has always loved his sleep but not as much as in the past 24 hours :think:

Does this seem ok?

He went to sleep last night at 10pm and usually he wakes once during the night for a bottle but not last night, he slept right through till 8am.

So, i fed him and he was asleep within 45 mins (he practically finished the bottle, 6ozs).

He woke nearly 5 hours later for another feed and again he was flat out by the end of it.

The strange thing is for the last 2 weeks during the day he has been crying for milk sometimes only 2 hours after the last bottle :think:

Some searches i've done suggest growth spurt?

I suppose i just want some advice from other mammy's to say this is perfectly normal.

:hug: xxxx
Lola-Mae does that most days hun!
She kinda livens up for a few hours at tea time then is ready for bed at 8-9pm! She will then sleep till 7.30-8 am!
Shes always asleep :roll: lol
lea m said:
Lola-Mae does that most days hun!
She kinda livens up for a few hours at tea time then is ready for bed at 8-9pm! She will then sleep till 7.30-8 am!
Shes always asleep :roll: lol

Hi hun :wave: How you doing?

Thanks for replying.

He just woke up 5 mins ago so i took him out so he could play on his mat and he fell back asleep in my arms :lol:

Hi hun! Im doing good! Hope you are?? :hug: :hug:

Lol soundsl ike Lola heehee I will be chatting to her and the next minute fast asleep! haha I must be so boring lol
If he is still taking enough fluid, alert when awake, and doing enough nappied, i wouldn't worry to much lovey. He may just be growing!
I think I read somewhere that some babies get more sleepier when they have a growth spurt, dont know if it is true. I think some babies are just sleepier than others. I say make the most of it hun xxx

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