FAO charliebear & other non sleeping babies


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Hey Hun

Right we need to sort these Lo's of our's out!! How often does Aj wake in the night? Does he have milk when he wakes? What time does he go to bed and wake in the morning? Does he sleep during the day?

Rosie wakes all different times through out the week, some nights she will sleep through, some nights it's waking every 2 hours, some nights every 4 hours. There seems to be no consistance with her. Sometimes i can settle her without milk, but recently it's been more of her wanting milk during the night so thinking maybe a growth spurt. Rosie goes to bed for 7pm every night, and falls straight to sleep with her milk. She will wake for the day usually around 9am. She has 1 nap in the day in the afternoon, i put her down at 1:15pm she sleeps for roughly 2 hours.
Hey hun,

Yup, come on everyone lets get these little people sleeping!!

AJ doesnt seem to have a pattern on his waking during the night. Sometimes its all or nothing!
He goes to bed between 7-8pm. Up for the day around 6am - too early for me!
I have tried offering milk/water but he refuses. Even if he hasnt had milk before bed he wont take any.

He differs with naps, sometimes he has 1 for around an hour other times he has 2. Times all vary too.
I have to put him down for a nap (or snuggle).

I cant see a pattern anywhere?

Like today, woke twice by 1am. Slept in his bed till 6am. Snuggle in my bed till 8.15am (dont normally). Put down to nap at 10.45 and he's still asleep! I'm going to have to go wake him!! He hasnt had lunch yet and were waiting for him before we can go shopping!!
Hey, how is Rosie's sleeping?

Thought I'd note down how AJ has been sleeping. see if we can see a pattern.
He always goes to bed between 7 - 8pm, with no problems. He goes to bed awake with his projector on (music and lights play for 10 mins)

7pm - Went to bed
11.15pm - Stired, settled :sleep:
11.30pm - Sitting up wide awake, cuddles in Mammy's bed :whistle: fell asleep
6am - awake

7.30pm - Bed
10 - 11.30pm - stired x3, settled :sleep:
6am - awake, cuddles with mammy and daddy.
8.15am - awake

7.30pm - fell asleep on Mammy after bottle
8.20pm - woken by dog :wall2: settled :sleep:
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i'v long given up trying to sort out jasons sleep.. like i previoulsly said hes 3 in march and still wakes up at night,, hes a heavy wetter so always needs changing otherwise the poor bed gets soaked :lol:
7.30pm - fell asleep on Mammy after bottle
8.20pm - woken by dog :wall2: settled :sleep:
1am - oopsie, mummy thought it was 6am and daddy brought little man into bed as he was inconsolable

7.15am - Went to bed.

I'm sticking to my guns tonight, no mummy's bed. Got to be up early in the morning.
I think part of the problem is i'm exhausted - to the point where I just doze off anywhere! :sleep: I need sleep!
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Aww hun, i can't remember Rosie's pattern so will start from last night.
6:50pm fell asleep on bottle
3:30am woke incolsabale until given milk
6:45am was woken by me as had to leave for work

So far so good tonight, been in bed since 6:45pm.
Is there anyone that could have Aj hun so ou can get some sleep?
Sunday - update.
7.15pm - Went to bed.
1.15am - Woke, soothed for 15 mins in cot before settling :sleep:
6.15am - Awake for the day.

Normally I would let him self settle during the night after checking him. But his projector was out of batteries :wall2:

8pm - Fell asleep on Mummy having cuddles. :whistle:

Ah, hun. He's never stayed away yet and I'd feel guilty knowing he was keeping whoever had him up!
His big sister, gramdma and nanna would love to have him though.
OH is worse than me though, dont think he'd let him stay out just yet either!
Rosie was a terror having milk twice in the night.. I think she might be onto a growth spurt...

She went to bed at 6:46pm
Woke and settelled with milk at 12:30am
Woke and settelled at 3:45am
Woke for the day at 8:30am
8pm - Fell asleep on Mummy having cuddles. :whistle:
8.05am - Awake for the day :dance:

OMG, I just couldnt believe it, we were late for the childminder :lol:

:hug: Hope you both have a better night tonight.
I'm not holding out much hope AJ has had a bad tummy today.
Awww whoop way to go Aj :)
Hope he slept just as well for you last night.

6:50pm went to bed
3:10am woke settelled with only 3oz of milk usually 6/7
8:20am up for the day
Another good night for us :dance:

7.45pm - went to bed
11.30pm - mummy lay AJ down and gave dummy
6.30am - awake for the day.

I cant believe he slept so well, he'd had a bottle of cows milk in the morning and it upset his stomach all day (and today too :( )

Is Rosie managing to take more milk during the day? I think you were going to try her.
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No still isn't, i haven tried her on cows milk though, do you think it's worth giving her some?

Way to go Aj, he is doing so well. :)
No still isn't, i haven tried her on cows milk though, do you think it's worth giving her some?

Way to go Aj, he is doing so well. :)

You could always give it a try.
Were using formula until his tummy settles and will then do formula & cows to get him used to it.
Have you tried supper? Maybe some porridge may help her settle.

He's stired a few times tonight but only been in once :thumbup: to find the dummy! lol
sounds like both mummy's are doing amazingly! well done ladies and LO's :D

saz - maddi loves her milk, and will take cows milk, but i would recommend the aptamil toddler milk, dark blue container, it seems to really satisfy her iykwim! anyhoo just a thought hon :D xx
I really dont know how but this thread is doing wonders for AJ's sleeping.

7.45pm (ish) went to bed
stired but self settled a few times late evening
6.15am awake

Thursday. 1st birthday
7.45pm fell asleep on mummy after a very busy day > too over stimulated to go down.
Stired a few times, mummy not needed

How's your little princess? x
sounds like both mummy's are doing amazingly! well done ladies and LO's :D

saz - maddi loves her milk, and will take cows milk, but i would recommend the aptamil toddler milk, dark blue container, it seems to really satisfy her iykwim! anyhoo just a thought hon :D xx

Sam still has that Aptamil milk now - he loves it and we've never had any problems with it.

Sounds like they're both doing really well though! Hope it carries on for both of you x
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