Sleeping through?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Just wondered after reading vicki1983's post how babies around Maia's age were sleeping?

Maia goes to bed at 7.30pm, then has a dream feed at 11pm.

Then she normally wakes up at 3am, 4am and 5 am but I only feed her at 5am. Then she never wants to go back to bed! :x

Am I suffering or are most of our babies still waking alot in the night?
My boy can sleep in the evenings from about 9ish till about 3 on occasions but it always seems to vary. At weekends he sleeps from about 10 till 5ish but last night we fed him at 12 and he slept till 6. I am really hoping that it is going to get better like others seem to be even if its from 11 till 9 or something.
My little boy falls asleep around 8pm. We feed him at around 11.00pm and he wakes up at around 3.00am 4.00am and 5.30am.
We feed him at around 3.00am and have to get up at around 5.3oam as he's wide awake.

You're not alone.

Isaac's had an off week, he usually goes to bed between 9-10pm, wakes at 3am, then again at 6-7am'ish, I don't expect this to change much for a while yet, he will sleep for up to 8 hours although when he does this it's if he goes to bed around 7pm, but he's rarely ready at that time anymore.
never had this prob since Willow has been sleeping through she goes to bed at 6:30 and wakes up at 6:30 well today she did im hoping it will carry on :pray: normally she will wake anytime between 4 and 6:30 for a feed then go back to sleep for a few more hours.
All babies are different - my first would sleep for 12 hours solid from around 10 weeks, Alex has slept through a handful of times but still wakes. Last night he was in bed with us from 1am, the night before he fed 4 times between 12 and 3.30am. When he's going through a good phase he'll go from 8 til 3 then from 3.30 til 7am.
Ryan used to have a bottle about 11pm then wake up about 3pm and 7am. He's slept through til 6am twice now so hopefully he'll keep it up :pray:
riley sleeps
6pm til

has dun since 5 weeks im lucky

Kadyn goes down about 11 wakes at about 1-2 am then i feed him in bed and he eats whenever he wakes every 2 hours ish but he just helps himself then fallos back to sleep
ever sinse i put hannah in her own room she has slept through - i used to go in at my bed time and give her a sleep feed
hannah sleep by 8pm
sleep feed at midnight-1am

but then one night i just thought id let her cry for it if she wants a night feed...

she never did cry for it!!

now she sleeps 8pm til 6am (then i feed her) put her in my bed and she sleeps till i wanna get up mostly.
When George was 4 days old he slept through from 11pm till 6am. After that he slept from about 11pm/midnight through till 6/7/8am every night till last week. :( Now he's sleeping earlier in the evening (say about 8/9pm) then waking for a feed at about 3am and again at 7/8am.

I'm not sure which routine I preferred but I do find this one quite tiring even though I get time to myself during the evening.
I am having to go back to afternoon naps to get through :)

Those sleeping times seem quite popular for many LO's off this forum from what I can remember Sabrina. After a while, Isaac dropped the 3am feed, so hopefully George will do the same too. I do hope you ease into the new routine, and get those well deserved naps too :hug:
Thanks Redshoes. :hug: I expect we'll get there one day, I know he's still really young to be in a proper routine. Today is going the same way with 3 hourly feeds the last being likely around 8,30pm. George has had 3 naps today with the longest lasting 30mins.


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