Whats your babys night time routine??

Princess_Puddles said:
Icecream said:
Are you telling me you'd let your child sleep in a dirty/wet nappy?

Well I have to anyway because these cotton nappies leak if they get too full.

Harrison sleeps through the night and if he wees i never change his nappy untill the morning, like Lozzie said it defeats the object of them sleeping through! The only time ive ever woken Harry up from any sleep/nap is if he's done a poo

As I said it is obviously different for disposables. I'm sorry, I didn't think of that before. The other thing of course is that it's harder to tell when breastfeeding if the nappy is dirty because they don't smell very much..
Icecream said:
Princess_Puddles said:
Icecream said:
Are you telling me you'd let your child sleep in a dirty/wet nappy?

Well I have to anyway because these cotton nappies leak if they get too full.

Harrison sleeps through the night and if he wees i never change his nappy untill the morning, like Lozzie said it defeats the object of them sleeping through! The only time ive ever woken Harry up from any sleep/nap is if he's done a poo

As I said it is obviously different for disposables. I'm sorry, I didn't think of that before. The other thing of course is that it's harder to tell when breastfeeding if the nappy is dirty because they don't smell very much..

im breastfeeding also...

luckily my baby came with a poopy alarm! she WILL not sit in a poo'y nappy
Ellie gets reday for bed at 7 has a bottle at 8 and sleeps through till about 7-8am. I dont change her nappy at night. Forgot to say that she usually has a bath in the morning.
lozzijane said:
luckily my baby came with a poopy alarm! she WILL not sit in a poo'y nappy

Katie usually squirms too, but only if she wakes up I think.

We have baths in themorning too Grace, but I've been told not to use soap on Katie..
madi has a bath at 7pm
dressed and cuddles at 7.30pm
bottle at 8pm

then sleeps through till about 8-8.30!!!!! :cheer:

shes been sleeping through since 3 months yay!
Icecream said:
lozzijane said:
luckily my baby came with a poopy alarm! she WILL not sit in a poo'y nappy

Katie usually squirms too, but only if she wakes up I think.

We have baths in themorning too Grace, but I've been told not to use soap on Katie..

ive not too etiher now, ellouise has dry patches on her arms and on her cheeks so ive to use non bio powder NO fabric conditioner and no bath products... few drops of olive oil instead... smells gross tho :puke: much preferred my johnsons lavender bedtime bath ;)
Ashlea has been sleeping through since she was 4 weeks old give or take the occassional night...she has tea at 5-6ish, nap at 6.30-7.15, bottle, bath, cuddle,play and story, bottle then bed at 8.30-9pm....she's always really grouchy between 7.45-8.30pm so likes to be amused n played with alot. She then wakes between 6-6.30am which is good as otherwise I'd never be on time for school. I've been really lucky with both my girls they both love their sleep.xx
We always change Lennon before bed (he usually has a wet nappy around that time) and that's him done until about 9.30AM and he doesn't wake at all in the night and he hates just having a tiny bit of wee in his nappy and screams when he does so he would scream blue murder if he had a weey/pooey nappy in the middle of the night. No point in changing the nappy half way through the night if there's no need
MomNat said:
We always change Lennon before bed (he usually has a wet nappy around that time) and that's him done until about 9.30AM and he doesn't wake at all in the night and he hates just having a tiny bit of wee in his nappy and screams when he does so he would scream blue murder if he had a weey/pooey nappy in the middle of the night. No point in changing the nappy half way through the night if there's no need

Totally agree. If they dont wake in the night for a feed then less fluid=less wee so change as needed.

Eefie usually has a sleepy feed about 11pm and bum change. Wakes around 3am, has a feed then usually a bum change, clothes change and I have to change clothes if he's managed to hurl on me then keeps me up until at least 5am then will sleep till anywhere between 6.30am and 9am. If we havent got any plans I'll change him again and give him another feed and he'll sleep till noon which gives me chance to have some time by myself or go back to sleep if Ive had a rough night. :sleep:
I don't know about that. Katie always has a soaking wet or dirty nappy in the middle of the night, but then she has a huge feed before bed to last her through.. If she sleeps through, her pyjamas end up wet. Does anyone else use real nappies and have this problem?
Icecream said:
I don't know about that. Katie always has a soaking wet or dirty nappy in the middle of the night, but then she has a huge feed before bed to last her through.. If she sleeps through, her pyjamas end up wet. Does anyone else use real nappies and have this problem?

I had this problem on many occasions when Harrison was younger with disposables though, i never woke him in the night though if he didnt wake me

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