Sleeping Routine


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Phoebe has been sleeping from 7pm-7am since she was about 7weeks. She dropped the night feed herself and is feeding every 3hrs in the day instead of every 4hrs.
But for the last 4 nights she has been going down at 7pm and waking up between 3am and 4am and then just dozing on and off until she whinges properly at 7am for her feed. She's not crying or whinging properly between 3am and 7am but I can't sleep because every time she makes a noise I wake up!! Feeling knackered now!!
Was wondering what you guys think I should do?
Should I feed her when she wakes between 3and 4am? Even though she's not crying or whinging for a feed? Obviously this will break her all night routine so is that a bad thing for me in the future?
Really don't know what to do for the best?
She is getting up at 7am, having a bottle and by 8.30am she is zonked and sleeps until about 10am but by then I am too awake to go back to bed!!
Charlie and ethan used to go down early eveing too, i used to semi wake them up when i went to bed (around 11 or 12ish) and give them a feed just to top them up. that was enough to make them sleep through will 7 or 8 in the morning.

maybe try that and see if she settles more over night?

Could she be hungry for more solids during the day or perhaps lift her about 11 before you go to be and give her a wee bottle. She shouldnt wake (hopefully)
I did what layla used to do too and it worked, then as Dom got older I dropped that feed as he seemed more capable of going through longer periods.

Dom now sleeps through most nights, except when ill or randomly he will wake twice, but that's rare.

It gets better as they get older.


I was speaking to my lovely health visitor (yes there are a few) and I was asking her when to start Aidan on solids and wondered whether he would need to go on them earlier because of his size.

Her advice to me knowing that Aidan sleeps through the night is when he starts waking up in the night is the time to start him on baby rice because he is will be getting hungry.

So perhaps with Phoebe its time for her too.

Ragna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

p.s....Aidan woke at 4am for a feed this morning for the first time in weeks too !!!!
Isaac used to have a 3am feed but now he has 4 feeds a day (between 4-8oz a time). 8:30am. 12:30pm. 4:30pm. 8:30pm then bed and he is asleep by 10-11pm and sleeps right through till 8am! He pretty much did this by himself so I'd say go with it and eventually it will sort itself out. I do change Isaac for bed though before his 8:30pm feed and feed him in his bedroom and in the morning I wash and dress him before I bring him downstairs for his feed. I think it has helped him to know when its day and night.

Lou :)
Thanks for your advice ladies.
I don't really want to give her a 'dream feed' because I have been going to bed at 10pm and by then she has only been asleep 3hrs. I don't want it to become a chore and I end up hating doing it.

Ragna - Phoebe isn't a hungry baby. She is nearly 12weeks and apparantly underweight at 11lb 9oz. Perfectly happy baby and her dots are fine on the growth chart but HV still whinging!! She is only have 5oz every 3hrs and not drinking all of that so I don't think solids is the answer yet.

Lou - Phoebe feeds every 3hrs through the day and goes up to bed at 6.45pm and is normally asleep by 7.15pm. I too take her up to her cot for her last feed and change her up there in the dark etc. And I also dress her upstairs in the morning before I bring her down for the day. I don't mind feeding her at 4am but what I didn't want to do is get her up when she is obviously managing without a night feed but at the same time her whingy noises are keeping me awake so part of me thinks if I get her up and feed her she might drop off into a deeper sleep until about 7am rather than dozing and making noise inbetween!!

Sounds complicated!!

Last night she slept from 7pm - 7am again. Didn't wake and whinge as far as I know!! Probably too knackered to notice!!!
So I think I'll try and just deal with the whinging rather than start feeding her at night again.

She always seems to sleep well when Sami has been round with Damien so maybe that is the answer!! Sami will have to move in!!! LOL xxx

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