do you put your LO to bed asleep or awake?

dont worry about baby sleeping a lot during the day, this wont affect how much they sleep at night. in fact if they dont nap enough during the day, this causes overtired and then they are a nightmare to get off to sleep....speaking from experience! he he

I thought I had to keep hannah awake through the day until we read a book about good sleep practices and others told me she needed around 16/17 hours sleep a day at her age..the book we have in amazing!!!

we now have a routine of naps during the day and although she seems to be asleep a lot......its what they need when they are ickle and she goes down much better after bath and at bedtime if she has had a restful day :) xxx
Thanks hun

I dont recorde it but seems like she is only awake about 2 hours today, i do worry if shes had a good sleep and i wanna go for a walk that the fact that she sleeps in her pram will have her sleeping too much lol

It really is a learning curve isnt it , little messer so has us wrapped round round our littl finger allready
oh yeah/.....HUGE learning curve...your whole world revolves around that little person!

at the end of the day if she doesnt want to nap, then she wont..but giver her the opportunity..if that makes sense. I can now tell when Hannah is tired cos she will just star with her tired cry in the middle of being in her gym, or cuddles or whatever. She wil normally have a nap after she has been a rule about 1.5 - 2 hours after she last woke up. so it's quite a lot.

today she didnt nap much.....but we gave her the opportunity by putting her down in her basket...she had little cat naps but not a long snooze. but she has gone down absolutely fine again tonight though.....xx
For dream feeding don't force it to her get her up and just feed her she should take it fine..

Lilyanna has always slept so much.. Was only awake max 2hours a day at ur Los age too.. She went 14hrs at night from four weeks old (very lucky!!!) she still sleeps alot in the day and is only awake for about 6-7hours in the day.. She was woken quite a bit today so didn't sleep much and it took us well over an hour to get her to sleep tonight first time ever! And hopefully the last!! She was tired crying the whole time defo over tiredness :( gonna make sure she sleeps well tomorrow!
Don't give up hun :hug:
Lily is definitely gonna be sleeping today she had a bottle at 2am :shock: first time in four months I hope she doesn't make a habit of it lol!!

Keep a positive mind you'll get there in the end :) xxx
we have had a very sleepy day........she went down quite well tonght but is awake now...but just lying awake making gurging noises!! xx
I know half of it is my fault for not letting her cry but shes been so unhappy with her reflux and constipation its just kills me seeing her constantly cry,

The thing is she will be in a nice sleep but if we move her she goes mental, even if i put her in awake now she wiill cry yet for her 11 pm and 4 am feeds when we are in bed she goes down awake and puts her self to sleep so i know sshes playng me

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