
star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I notice several people arent sleeping that well. I just wanted to add, me too. I've read I'm supposed to sleep on my left, but i naturally sleep on my right, so i seem to be turning a lot, which is uncomfortable. Add to that getting up to pee three times a night. And then being woken up at 5 am by kicking, I couldnt go back to sleep this morning and ended up reading til 7 am when i did manage to get in an extra half an hour before the alarm went off.

My husband said "You look very tired this morning" and I was like "You think?!"
Same boat, but only because of the weeing. And it's definitely more than 3 times a night!
Glad I am not alone! I naturally sleep on my back and find sleeping in either side uncomfy!
When I turn it takes forever :-(

Gonna ask mw for some advice next week when I see her! Not that she can say much :(

i sleep on my front so had to kick that in the butt straight away! the easiest way i fall asleep is my belly squished against OH's back! :)
I sleep on my front too. I have been using a cushion under my belly from early on so I don't roll onto my belly in my sleep. Bizarrely when I turn over it's easier to sort of lift myself onto all fours so I'm facing down. It feels more strained if I try and roll over on my back. I also get up once or twice a night to pee. My hips and legs are definitely getting more uncomfortable so I don't think that my sleep quality is too good. Constantly knackered this week.
I am exactly the same! I usually sleep on my front and I have gradually got used to being on my side with preggers pillow wedged underneath me so I am slightly tipped forward (trying to make myself think I am still on my front!) but I also have to turn over facing downwards, its really uncomfortable and seems much harder rolling over on my back... The peeing is also pretty boring - had a late night the other night and was getting up quite early and I realised when I got up that I hadn't had to get out of bed for a pee during the night - I was SO excited!!! My OH just looked at me like I was crazy! I may have even suggested that we move bedrooms round so that we would be closer to the bathroom!:oops:
i sleep on my side with one leg hitched up a bit so its stopping me from rolling on my tum but im also leaning on my tum a lil iykwim? im either too hot, too cold or not comfy or i need the loo, then when i actually do get to sleep my OH starts snoring which wakes me up lol. i just cant win
Don't get me started on OH snoring :roll: Start of many arguments in my house!

I sleep on left side with pillow but wake up on my back and right! Trying my best.

Usually pee twice lol. Sometimes once then I wake up thinking how lucky I am not to have wet the bed!!


:rofl: olive

I feel your pain ..... :( my sleep the past couple weeks is so disturbed. I got a bump support pillow to see if it would help and I just have a sore back all the time now. I usually do sleep on my left anyway, maybe graduating onto my back but I find sleeping on my side was uncomfortable cos my belly felt so heavy, hence the bump support pillow. It supports my back too and is supposed to stop me from rolling onto my back, but I still end up on my back anyway, ontop of the pillow :roll: :brat: x
Oh god I usually, and still do sleep on my front! Hadn't been told any different... Didn't even think about it! Have I been doing damage?? :( xxx
i don't think theres any problems i think later in the prenancy you just wont be able to because you'll be uncomfy!
Why are we supposed to sleep on our left in pregnancy?
something to do with the blood supply to us and the baby.
i didn't know we were "supposed" to sleep on our left! WEIRD!
Don't panic Carly, I'm still mostly on my front, although with a leg bent to take some of the pressure off ma tummy. It's just now starting to get difficult. A friend of mine was actually told to sleep on her front as long as possible (a few years ago).

I have a lot of hip probs, so I find sleeping on my side really really Painful, so gonna have to get advice from mw I think.

I sleep on my front and only now is it becoming uncomfy and I'm having to use a pillow under bump, and a pillow the other side for when I roll over to the other side to settle off to sleep.

But I STILL wake up on my tummy! Aparently my baby is fine though, not flat looking at all.

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