Sleep positions


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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I keep reading I'm supposed to sleep on my left side. Is this true?

I would normally sleep on my front and I'm finding it really hard to do. I just can't get comfy in any position now. If I try and sleep on my left I end up with pins and needles in my arm.

How is everyone else sleeping? Have you bought one of those pillows? Would that help me?
I sleep on and always have with all pregnancies on my right side. I can't stay on my left. I sleep on my back until I get a lot bigger. I've never had any problems.
A pregnancy pillow can really help you to sleep x
My pregnancy pillow doesn't help me at all, and for some reason, my baby hates when I lie on my left - she goes mental and kicks me til I move over. So I sleep either on my back or my right. Sometimes I wake up and I'm half on my belly which is scary but bubs is fine :) x

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I sleep on my back and mainly my left side, but I have always slept on my left. I read somewhere that its not recommended to sleep on your back after 25 weeks or so? LO is fine so Im not too worried though x
I usually sleep on my front too, but I've also read that left is best. I've found it v difficult, sometim:lol:es I use an ordinary pillow n put it between my legs,but I'm usually on my back when I wake up. When I turn over it sometimes feels like baby slides to the other side n I have to wiggle about to shift his position! I can't get comfy in the bath either, I just lay there like a beached whale last night! Lol
I've always slept on my front, so have found it quite difficult.

I still kindof sleep on my front to get to sleep, I lie on my front with my right leg at a right angle iykwim, and put a pillow under my hip. It still feels like I'm sleeping on my front but takes the pressure off my bump.

I always wake up on my left side though
I love to sleep on my left side but then I get these horrible leg pains, urgggh, the baby doesn't seem to mind what side I sleep on, it just goes crazy when I take baths
Sleeping on your back is fine. It's just that when you get a lot nigger (30+ weeks) you'll struggle to do that cos of the weight of the baby

Til then I'd say sleep however you want and make the most of it!'
I sleep in all positions but not for very long, lol , I find it comfort like tweety to have a leg up so as to take to weight off my belly . Offen I wake up on my right side I then roll onto my back , bubs is all over my right side a big bump sticking right out so I wait for it even back out before I go onto my left side for awhile. I'm like moving all night long ,no wonder I'm sooo tired.xx
I'm 16 weeks and I'm tending to sleep on my back at the moment. Find it the most comfortable. Although when I wake up I'm usually on my right. I guess it's however you feel comfortable in the great scheme of things.
I'm really reassured everyone seems to be in the same boat. I always go to sleep on my side but often wake up on my back and was worried about supine hypotensive syndrome when I get bigger. Wasn't sure about how much of a problem it really was for others but people much further on than me seem to okay on their backs so I'll not worry too much. Was going to get a pregnancy support pillow but some are quite expensive when you don't know how well you're going to get on with them.
Before I was pregnant I always slept on my right side. But now I find sleeping on my left side or my back more comfortable. And pregnancy pillows definitely help. If I am on my side I have the bottom tucked in between my legs and the top of it tucked in under my ribs. If I am on my back I have it positioned at the base of my back and prop myself up with extra pillows. Hope this helps xxx
Ive always fallen asleep on my front, cant get to sleep any other way! I dont like sleeping on my left because then Im facing OH and I feel like Im being watched! Even if hes fast asleep! My sister gave me her old V shaped pillow a few years ago when I was in hospital just to make sitting up a bit more comfy and now Ive got a bit of a bump it really helps get me to sleep. I think they sell the pillows on the argos website for about a tenner? I'd definitely recommend getting one even if its just to get to sleep (I end up kicking mine out of bed after a few hours) xxx
I've always slept on my front, so have found it quite difficult.

I still kindof sleep on my front to get to sleep, I lie on my front with my right leg at a right angle iykwim, and put a pillow under my hip. It still feels like I'm sleeping on my front but takes the pressure off my bump.

I always wake up on my left side though

That is the exact same way I lay, its the only way I can get comfy but always wake up on my right.
I sleep on my back....

Is it imperative that you sleep on your left? I've been reading this lots recently!

I don't think it's imperative nat but think its recommended near the end as its te best for you and baby x

Please excuse any typos from
My fat fingers!
Carnat it's not imperative and a relatively recent piece of advice

Of you're happy to sleep in your left do so but I didn't and Harry is absolutely fine
I'm a bit of a believer in taking common sense advice on board and not getting knickers in a twist over every piece of advice. Pound to a penny next year the advice will be to sleep on your right!!
Sleep..what's that?

Insomniac and demented from it. Xx
I've always been a back + tummy sleeper, so it's been so difficult for me! I've been finding it hard to sleep as it is without trying to stay on my left side.. I just sleep in whichever position is comfy, usually my back or left side xx
I have always slept, and can still manage to sleep on my belly. Well. Kind of.

I sleep on my right hip, facing the bed, right leg straight, left leg at a right angle iykwim, so half on my belly, half on my side...

It's the only way I can get to sleep at the moment, but bubs seems to love it.
He hates it if I'm on my left side with my legs tucked up, he kicks my legs as if to say "get off!!" :P

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