Sleep position


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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I'm pretty sure I've seen this talked about on here before but just wanted to check. Is it right that you should be sleeping on your left whilst preggers? Only, normally, I tend to sleep on my front but am a major fidgeter so end up in every position over night.

I'm trying to make a concerted effort to sleep on my side but woke up in the night in a blind panic as I was laid flat on my front............

Is it throughout pregnancy we are supposed to be doing this or just towards the end? And how important is it?

I have bought one of those full length body pillows which I kind of got sick of and threw out of the bed but if it's really important I will bring it back in and then maybe put another pillow against my back so I can't roll over so much?

Am I just being paranoid?
PS Sorry for the long post, I type like I talk - which is a lot :)
Iv been worrying about this! I sleep on my front religiously but since getting a bit bigger iv been on my side but go from left to the right and end up there mainly! So hope it's ok! Sometimes on my back too! X
i sleep on my right side always have and sleep on that side of bed too x
I've just had a look through that thread - thanks for that, put my mind at rest. And made me feel a bit silly too - hadn't even occured to me to look through the pregnancy book..........doh!

Also, note to self. Check through for other threads first before wasting these lovely ladies time - tee hee

K xxx
dont worry about reposting i never look at page 2. Glad it put your mind at rest. I have bought a full length pillow now but its still not that comfortable lol.
I lay half on my belly and half on my side (well less than half on my belly really) It still feels like I'm on my front (although I'm not) but it's comfortable. I've basically been moving more and more onto my side as ive got bigger :)
If I'm not careful I wake up pretty much on my face. I've started using a long bolster cushion which I kind of hug. Stops me from gping fully frontal in the night.
I have one of those bolster pillows too, put it back on the bed last night but within about 30 minutes it was thrown on the floor. I just can't seem to get comfortable with it. It cost me a fortune too in Mothercare and of course I saw one which looked better in Argos yesterday - £15.00!!!!!!!! FFS!!!!!

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