Sleep between feeds?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Baby Kayden is 8 days old. For the first few days he didn't really sleep much at all, but the last 2 days he's pretty much slept the whole time between feeds, he's taking one every 3 odd hours, sometimes every 2. I'd say the average feed lasts an hour (including winding) & he's awake most of the feed. But totally kipped out between them.

Do you think he's getting too much sleep? MW said I should only wake him if he's due a feed, but he's always awake for it anyway.

How long does everyone else's babies sleep between feeds & do you find a difference between day & night?

Elexia is sleeping quite abit between feeds but we have started a bedtime routine already to stop her getting confused between night and day and also during the night we swaddle her so she knows the difference.
I wouldnt worry to much though why they are this young x x
I let my LO sleep as much as she wanted. I dont think babies can get too much sleep tbh. I wouldnt even wake her for feeds after a week old as she would wake when she was hungry.

Even now at 15 months old I let my LO sleep when she wants and Ive never had any problems with night time sleeping. In fact, the more she sleeps in the day the better she sleeps at night!
Poppy slept constantly for about the first three weeks! She would literally only be awake for about 5-10 minutes at a time. We would wake her (with difficulty!) every three hours for a feed. She gradually got more and more alert as the weeks went on.

*EDIT* She was quite jaundiced though, which apparently causes sleepiness.
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Poppy slept constantly for about the first three weeks! She would literally only be awake for about 5-10 minutes at a time. We would wake her (with difficulty!) every three hours for a feed. She gradually got more and more alert as the weeks went on.

my son was the same as he was jaundice x
Same here, my son was jaundiced and impossible to feed at the beginning.
Thanks everyone.

We have a bit of a bedtime routine, he gets bath between 8-8.30 then jammies, bottle & bed & the last 2 nights he's woken at 12 then 3 then 7. And we swaddle at night too.

I read that you shouldn't wake them for no reason as they can end up over-tired which can be harder to settle.

Today has been a rather peacefull day, was thinking it was too good to be true! Forgot how much the wee souls sleep at this sweet


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