
I think no matter how much you try to be happy with your man it aint gonna work if in his heart he already has ideas about straying. It is really sad to hear isnt it. All we want is to be loved and taken care of, from the man who says he loves us. Men are afraid of commitment and i think will always want to try something new even if they claim to be happy with us.

I too have had bad ones or i started to question maybe it was me who allowed myself to get too involved too quickly.
Talk about commitment and a man will run a mile, but i aint gonna class them all the same cause i really do believe there is someone out there for each and everyone of us.
So try and look on the bright side girls. Im i know he is not the one for me.
Think of the future for you and your children, they will never let you down.
Take care, All my love
hi everyone know how you all feel i split with o/h a few days before i found out i was pg and been finding things quite hard i was already a single mum when i met him so i know i can do it again still scary though when i left my ex hubbie my son was nearly 7 im not sure how i will cope with a baby and being on my own.
on another note one minute ex o/h wants to be all involved next thing i know hes showing off in front of his mates and saying baby is probably not even his :shock: we were never apart the month i conceived until he left and im not the type to jump straight in with someone else im furious that he could even think that even told him he could have a dna test if he wants grrrr i hate men
just wish he would make up his mind it seems he only wants to know when he is creeping round me trying to get me to go back to him as soon as i say no thats it again for another few days.
he really needs to grow up didnt realise how immature he could be i know im 32 and hes only 23 but surely .......
oh i dunno im here if anyone in similar situation wants a chat good luck everyone and stay strong i know we are all going to be fine :D xxxx
My ex hardly contacted me about the baby and then went off on a lads weekend, then got beaten up by 5 Spanish lads-yes that's 5 of them - for apparently no reason! After that he decided he wanted to be really nice and pretend to care about me and baby My ass :) Bound to have wound someone up with his sarcastic arrogance. He only contacted me when he was drunk, at like 3 am in the morning where if my phone was off he would call the landline and wake me and my dad up as he didn't want to bother anyone else, or in trouble, then thought that he would try to make an effort with me, an effort to him is being nice to me (like why can't he be nice anyway). He thinks buying a place near his friends, like 200 miles away from my family and friends, for his convenience is making and effort for us and phoning me once in a blue moon is also making an effort. He has NEVER called to ask how me and the baby are either. Also wanted to drag me to his place up North at 8 months pregnant for a weekend which normally means a car journey of 4 hours or more stuck in traffic then drag me out shopping all day and out at a bar late while he's getting pissed. Not the actions of someone who's nearly 40. I have told him once again that there is no US and i don't want to be with him so, off go the nasty text messages trying to make me feel shit. I now feel I don't want him anywhere near me at the labour and that the baby's name is nothing to do with him either. He makes negative nasty comments about me and puts me down, why would I want him there. And when I come up with sweet names for my little girl he says no as it's "gay" and that he's not calling that name out to her! I know if I tellhim after she is born he will be a real bas*ard to me and make me feel awful in hospital and around the baby but if I do he will make negative comments. he thinks he can neglect me and my feelings and things to do with baby and go out like Jack the lad while I am alone through pregnancy and then think he has all the rights in the world to her once she is here. If he can;t be there for the baby while I am pregnant then why should I let him have all the rights when she is here. It is a package from the day of conception - pregnancy through to birth and beyond,not just when they feel like it!

Em xxxx :) rant over again............not for long :)
im 15 n i cud neva understand men eitha
wen i found out i was pregnant at 3 bf who is 19.... left me n didnt want nuthin 2 do wiv me or the baby n i neva heard from him
but wen i had kiana it all changed...he wanted to be a dad to her n he wanted to giv it another go wiv i tryed it just 4 kiana's sake i wanted to giv her the family she deserves but thankfully it has all worked out n we are a likkle family now n me n kiana hav recently moved in with not all men r bad r they? lol
lv Zoey & Kiana xxxx
emma1976 i read your words and see myself :shock: a lot of whats happening with u is the same as whats happening with me except my ex o/h is 9 years younger than me cant believe how similar our ex o/h are why are men such childish selfish bas***ds?
all men are bas*ards rnt they
ah well i have looked after kylie an my own since she was born
a new baby can only be good i really cant wait!!!
6 days to go an ill have 2 likkle angels!!!

i really have given up
i dont think there is ne good men out there
all we want is to be loved by the men who say they love us
like jaqui says

hope ur all ok xxx
i totally agree with you there marylou all men are the same im giving up on men and going to stay single just me and my kids :) we managed before and we can manage again xxxxxxxxx
emma1976 said:
My ex is far to busy trying to get his leg over with anyone these days to be concerned about me and the baby to be honest. Lies and says he loves me and baby and can't cope without us then when he's with his friends or has things to do he makes no contact. he only contact me when he is trouble and has no one else to turn yto or he's bored. Nice eh?

Men. I don't need him.


Hi, i'm going through exactly the same, it stinks!! Hope your ok hun. I wish i could say i don't need him, i'll never tell him i do but i feel like i do need him, just wanted it all to be perfect. How the hell can they live with themselves??!! Keep your chin up hun.


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