Silly question :P


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Hi girls,

I'm back in Ireland now after visiting my family/friends in England for a week :D Got loads done, got my travel system, moses basket, changing mat, travel cot and tons more clothes :D Only thing is I am a tad annoyed that my family kinda expected us to visit rather than offering to visit us :( We took the 8 hour overnight ferry to Liverpool and my family are a further 2 and a half hour drive back (we took the ferry so we could take all our stuff back and have our car) The ferry leaves at 10.30pm and we gotta be out of the cabins at 6am and its not the most comfortable place esp being heavily pregnant so I'm a tad upset about that :(

Anyways I'll stop rambling now lol I wanted to ask when you go into labour what do contractions actually feel like?! I know they're gonna painful and I know it'll probs feel different to everyone depending on their pain thresholds etc but I'd just like a rough idea of what the pain is actually like? Sorry if that seems a silly thing to ask :P

There like very strong period pains, very intense, stomach ache that reached your back x x
aaww I can see why you are annoyed, I would be too. I am always the one that visits, no-one ever comes to us and I have to be on my last legs for anyone to offer to do anything. I think people get so used to it and just forget xxxxxxxxxx
Yeah kinda like strong period pains & BH

You'll know when it happens.

hehe thanks girls :P I asked my mum and the answer I got was "remember when you broke your arm... imagine that but a million times worse" lol doesnt really help and a broken bone and labour are two different things :P xx

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