signed off work :(


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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so spoke to the doctor just now and she asked me loads of questions. she has signed me off work for a week so I can try and relax and pick myself up. Been told to nibble on something and drink little sips of water. She even asked if twins run in my family, as sickness can be worse with twins!! :shock: My chances of having twins is high being a twin myself, I guess I will find out on friday.

Currently eating an ice pop as its seems to stay put. Hoping this sickness buggers off soon, I can't afford to be off work really. Anyways enough moaning as no one likes a moaner, just want to share. :) xxx
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Twins for sure Kanga I said from, what, 4dpo that it was going to be twins?!! I'll be gutted if you're not having twins cos I TOTALLY called it :p

Hope the ms eases up soon xx
haha thank u leesey! U definitely did call it :p xx
aww kanga it will be good for you to rest and chill out hun, i hope you do get twins you really deserve them! just try to relax hun xx
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Ah hun hope you feel better soon. Use the day off to put your feet up and relax. I don't know about you but when I tire myself out I end up feeling more sick. Twins would be amazing can't wait for you find out Friday! :) xxx
I always feel more sick when I am tired too :)

Hope it is twins :)
Better to take a week off now than wear yourself into the ground and be off for a month in the future hunny. Take the time to relax, bore yourself silly with repeats of jeremy kyle and get strong again sweetheart xxxxxxxxxx
My sickness is worse in the morning, but today really took it out of me. Not been sick all afternoon, but only managed to eat half a bag of skips! Melty goodness, think I will get my oh to do some soup later, as liquids seem to be ok at the mo. get too full trying to eat solids.

Twins would be an amazing surprise, but as long as there is one super health roo on Friday I'm happy xx
Aw sorry to see ur not well kanga! Sickness is a bitch! What a horrible symptom of pregnancy :(. I had it so bad so early they thought I may have twins, but only one for me phew. I had to take a month of work as I was bed ridden with sickness all day for 2 weeks. But had sickness solidly for 9 weeks. And even now at nearly 15 weeks I still have it :( but it does get better. You'll learn what u can and can't eat and what works for you. :) xxx
It will do you good to rest hun. I'm off work too and its nice to be able to sleep when I need too. Make the most of it and get yourself feeling strong again x
Thank u everyone for the well wishes. Seems as though not panicking about having to go to work has helped. Just had some soup started off with half a tin and just had the other half just now, feel so much better for being able to eat something and not feel sick and bring it back up! :) still have this deep down hungry feeling but I know nothing this is gonna fit in my belly today! Just hope tomorrow morning isn't as bad as today! Xxx
:hugs: I really hope it eases a little for you soon
How are you feeling today kanga? Hope you have your feet up!!
Hope your sickness isn't too bad today my friend is a twin and she's just found out she's pregnant with her second set lol
Put your feet up and rest hun! Hope you feel better soon. Not long now til your early scan?xx
Not feeling as rough this morning but stayed in bed til 1pm, dozing on and off!! Seems as though if I eat or drink before this time I bring it all back up, so only had 1 sick insistent so far! Just hoping lunch stays put. Just sat chilling watching tv again today.

My early scan is on Friday at 7.10pm, can't wait :D xxx
Hi Kanga,

I just read somewhere on the internet that if you combine dairy with carbs then that can help morning sickness. I just had cheese with my crackers instead of having them dry and it actually seemed to work a bit! Just wanted to share in case it helps - i'm up for trying anything right now!! xx
Hey girls i know im not supposed to comment on tri 1 with me not being here yet, but wanted to let you know as no one seems to have mentioned it yet, that the pregnancy book i have ready and waiting for me says ginger is supposed to help morning sickness, e.g. nibbling a ginger biscuit, i dont know if it works tho so dont shoot the mesenger if it doesnt/makes u worse...worth a shot tho id imagine???


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