Been Signed off work :/

Oh I know this well, I was signed off from 6-14 weeks with hyperemesis :shock: I didn't find that any of the remedies helped either. With crackers though I couldn't eat them plain, but with a slice of cheese on them really did help. I survived on just that for 2 weeks!!

I do find it strange that ur doc didn't prescribe any tablets though! Mine were a god send and the only thing that allowed me to feel well enough to eat or drink anything and even then I was still puking 3-4 times a day. I took 2 different types for the whole 8 weeks and my lil Roo is doing great!

Definitely keep ur fluids up, as dehydration is the worst. I nearly ended up in hospital twice, but managed to avoid it. Hope it eases up soon for u :hugs: xxx
Hope you feel better soon, I know how you feel cos I'm still getting sickness now but it's not as bad as it was in tri 1. Drink as much water as you can cos its so easy to get dehydrated xxxx
Aw Chloe, sorry to hear you're so unwell :hug:

Hope that some sofa-rest with PF to keep you company helps you get through this tricky time! And don't worry about work, if you're unable to leave the ladies toilets due to illness then I'm sure they will completely understand! (only evil people wouldn't!!)

Interesting about the McCoys, I found the salted ones really helped me in my last pregnancy when I couldn't look at anything except fruit!

oh dear, so sorry your feeling so bad. I suffered with hyperemesis during both of my previous pregnancies and spent long stints in hospital on a drip. Like you, nothing really seemed to work but like the other ladies have said, just try and keep yourself hydrated. Also I found that even though I wasnt keeping anything down, having something to bring back back up was slightly easier than just dry wretching and feeling like Id pulled every muscle in my stomach. I loved ginger biscuits, probably more for the sugar than the ginger though if Im honest lol! My sickness seemed to fade from about 12-13 weeks and became more bareable so hopefully you won't have that much longer to go. This time round Ive suffered with really bad nausea and some sickness but no where near as bad as the last times so Im thanking my lucky stars for that.

Hope you start to feel better soon xx

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