Should I bother?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi ladies

I miscarried 3 and a half weeks ago...and similar to last time I miscarried, my bleeding stopped for a week and now I have started with some brown blood/discharge. Last time I had an infection. This time I feel sick a lot but don't have a fever or anything. Already had a scan which showed everything gone so I'm a bit confused about the bleeding. Question is, can I be bothered to go to GP who will either give me really strong tablets for no reason, or tell me its nothing to worry about!!!

Any advice appreciated xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ps. its not my AF - my cycles are always over 35 days.
I would give it like 2 more days and then see how you feel. But if you grt cramps and fever you should go
I would get it checked out hun, but then I am uber paranoid about stuff like getting infections etc.
I'd go to the doctor if i was you Sarah :)

Simply because you had an infection last time.

They might tell you it's nothing and then you can relax. You can make a point of saying to them that you don't want any precautionary medication, you only want treating if they think you actually have something wrong with you :hug:
I am starting to wonder about my 'its not my af' comment above, as the bleeding is heavier now, bit like a light period. I have cramps too..... but its only 26 days since the miscarriage bleeding started, only about 12 or so since it had fully finished. Hmmm, might go tomoro to docs. Will see if it gets worse/better. This is the 3rd day and it has got heavier each day. Might have to go to docs anyway, as I have a horrible sore throat coming on and hope its not tonsilitus creeping up on me (I get it loads of times!). Booooo can I just buy a new body?! x x x x x x x x x x x x
i think they say you have to have 20 days of no bleeding at all and when your AF comes for it to be a true AF, i would see your GP just incase hun, at least put your mind at ease.
I miscarried 4 weeks ago. I only stopped bleeding just under 2 weeks ago and today I've got spotting like I'm about to start my period. My cycle is usually 35days too.

Maybe pregnancy regulates things again.
Going to try and get a docs appt for this afternoon as still got bleeding and cramping. Bliss - from my experience last having a miscarriage messes up cycle for a bit and then it gets back to normal a few months later, hope you are doing ok xxx
Been to docs, she wasn't 100% sure - could be hormone related....but said it was better to take antibiotics. Suppose she is right as if its infection I don't want it getting worse. Bring on the week of IBS attack..! xx

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