Should I be having morning sickness by now?

Thanks ladies I'm now 6+4 as I was put back a few days and I still feel fine no sickness at all, I hope I'm just one of the lucky ones. Xx
Popping on here - with my son I didn't have sickness at all, not even for a day... I hate itbwhenmpeooke say it means you have a strong pregnancy... Bullshit.

This one however is totally different - I've been feeling seasick since 6 weeks and it's actually started to make me
Puke just this week. I'm 23 weeks!!
Popping on here - with my son I didn't have sickness at all, not even for a day... I hate itbwhenmpeooke say it means you have a strong pregnancy... Bullshit.

This one however is totally different - I've been feeling seasick since 6 weeks and it's actually started to make me
Puke just this week. I'm 23 weeks!!

Thank you again Jojo! For some odd reason I would feel like I was having a better pregnancy if I felt a little sick at least. But my best friend was sick as a dog and still had a mmc so yeah like you say sickness isn't necessarily a sign of a healthy pregnancy. My mum wasn't sick with me but with my brother she was sick every day. So I guess all pregnancies are different. I'm trying to enjoy for now the lack of sickness! Xxx
Im 7+6 and the sickness started yesterday its putting me off eating/drinking as worried ill be sick again luckily it was just once both mornings today I just dont famvy anything nothing tastes nice :'(
Im 7+6 and the sickness started yesterday its putting me off eating/drinking as worried ill be sick again luckily it was just once both mornings today I just dont famvy anything nothing tastes nice :'(

I've just posted anothe thread about exactly this. I haven't been sick yet thankfully but me and food are just not friends at all. Everything makes me feel sick, as you said it all tastes horrid! Hope this will pass as I'm worried I'm not giving the baby enough nutrients xxx

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