Morning sickness?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2009
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I was just wondering when morning sickness starts. I've had sore boobs, bad wind and cramps, but apart from the odd dizzy/nauseous moment I've not really been sick. Am I just lucky or is something wrong... Or has it just not started yet??? I'm really worried that things aren't right - like lots of people on here I guess!!!:)

Am also a bit worried as am only 6 weeks but am so bloated my trousers are already tight!!! First thing in the morning they're ok but by the time I get home they really hurt. Is this normal too???
That all sounds very normal to me :) Some people never get any MS, some people get really bad MS. The bloating is totally normal too and will just be fluid retention. Just make sure you're drinking enough water :)
What she said ^^^^ :D

I wished for MS so I had a sign.....then it came.....:doh:
Thanks! Was just reading a thread where people had posted pictures of their bumps and some were saying they hadn't started showing until they were about 17-18 weeks. I've always had a bit of a pot belly and have put on weight since wedding in July, so along with that and the bloating I look very pregnant already!!! It doesn't make keeping it a secret until 12 weeks very easy - people are already looking at my stomach as they talk to me :( Does the bloating usuallt subside, or will I just get bigger?
Thanks for you comment by the way Mamafy! - is good to get some reassurance. I just want to ask my friends but can't tell them yet! Very frustrating!
For me the bloating did subside and I looked really small, then it popped back as a proper hard bump xx
I get some days where I feel really nauseous and then some days like today where I have been fine all day and then it makes me worry! Silly really - have been getting lots of stretching pains though which also makes me worry!! D'oh! Think I might get some more tests tomorrow, is that being obsessive?!
before 6 weeks i definitely noticed the bloating, which went down, and after that the ms kicked it. try not to worry about lack of ms, some are lucky and don't get it :D and other's do. enjoy your pregnancy :flower:

I found out I was pregnant @ 7wks which madew me realise why I wasnt fitting into clothes as well as I used to, I thought I was perhaps putting on wait & did wonder if it was normal to start looking pregnant as early as that but I def don't drink water at all, can't stand the stuff so it explains alot, as for morning sickness I def would be glad not to have it cos up until the end last wk I've been fine then fri I woke up not feeling right & since then I have had nausea but no vomiting apart from once yesterday morning & once this morning & I cannot seem to stomach eating either, I manage to have cereal but cant seem to manage lunch but usually by supper I've picked up a bit of an appetite then by bedtime I'm feeling sick again.
i dont have any morning sickness either. no sickness at all. my mum didnt both pregnancies :) i maybe have the odd nauseous moment after i eat loads as i am totally hungry and thirsty all the time! my tummy is HUGE atm. i am usually a slim person with a small waist an im only 5 weeks and my middle is gross hehe x
Is really great to hear that other people have expanded like me! - with water and wind!!!;) I felt really sick and tired yesterday but didn't vomit and slept all evening. Today I've been ok again. The other thing I've noticed the last couple of days is that I've totally lost my appetite, when I expected the opposite now I'm eating for two!!! I'm drinking gallons and making myself eat, but am not really enjoying my meals. Normally I love my food - is all I think about!!! Thanks for the comments - is great to be able to share this with everyone on here as I don't want to talk to anybody at work or friends yet. XXX
I was in your camp, exactly the same, sore boobs and bloatings but no sickness...I was wishing for it cos I want something to make it feel real. Unfortunately it hit this morning when I was in work! I am trying to keep it quiet but I felt awful, I ate part of my bread roll which was for lunch and that seemed to stop it! I hope it only happens at home when I can get cuddles from my OH, not at work, when I have to look busy and put on a brave face!
Am so glad u said the Rosie'smum, at 3+5 I was beginning to think that I was imagining things, but have already started with the waves of nausea and am incredibley crabby when I need feeding (but I wouldn't have it any other way)!!! :lol:
I felt the nausea immediately, it was the first symptom that made me think uh-huh theres something in my tummy! I am hoping that in a weird way it gets worse just so I can be reassured! Have been fine all day today just s-h-a-t-t-e-r-e-d am now getting OH to build my Christmas present, an exercise bike, just so I can get a bit more knackered!
:rofl: @ exercise bike

I know, I want it badly everyday till I feel movement atm, how mad is that!!!
I am determined to stay as fit as I can this time! Last time i lived in Australia until I was 6 months gone; it was summer time at the beginning of my pregnancy and it was 40+ degrees, not good at all believe me! I didnt want to move and all I wanted to eat was chocolate! No wonder I put on 5 stones in total (including baby, boobs and bum!) and found it incredible difficult to lose the weight until I started running again. I was buying size 22 knickers :bum: to go over my bump to be comfortable - I recently cut them up for cleaning rags :rofl:
lol thats a good idea, I was going to do the race for life this year but the doc has told me not to do any running, just walking :( so Im walking as often as I can but Im so tired too its very tempting to take the car! To be honest its my first pregnancy and Im not considering my weight at the mo, I ususally avoid carbs cos I gain weight really easily on them, but I am trying to eat more carbs cos I know I need it, no doubt Im going to grow out of my clothes before the bump officially arrives!
I would suggest not worrying about your weight at all. Just eat sensibly and do some moderate exercise 3 times a week ish. You will be fine, I just ate too much chocolate last time and stupidly thought that the baby would absorb the calories, haha!

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