Morning Sickness


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
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Not sure if I'm being very wimpish but I am suffering with morning sickness all day and night. I'm not being sick but feeling horrid all day. I'm having to force things down to try to not be sick. I don't fancy sweet things or savoury and have no appetite. Its been that bad, I've had to take a couple of days off work - is this thought to be ok or should I be trying to grin and bare it a little bit harder?
I have had all the remedies recommended to get rid of it but nothing has helped. :( I think I just need some reassurance that I'm not being a wimp! :wink:
No your not being a wimp i suffered horrible morning sickness!!
Really try eating something it will help first thing when you get up in the morning i had marmite on toast and was fine all day if i had breakfast lunch and dinner!!

:hug: It does get better!!
oh hun i know how you feel im feeling so sick all the time but havent actually been sick but in a way i want to be sick to stop feeling like this.

Take some time off work if you feel you need to hun i think i might tried changing a nappy the other day but couldnt face it so think im off nappy duty now thank god.

It will get better hun promise sending you hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: Hi

I am sorry you feel so bad. I also feel very sick but haven't actually been sick. I think if I was I would feel better but I really hate being sick. I never really found much that made a big difference, but I am feeling quite well today, so fingers crossed It's almost over.

Hope you feel better soon honey x x x :hug:
Thanks ladies, it does help having someone who understands these things! I am eating, its a strain but I am doing it and it stays down at least! I just have my fingers crossed it doesn't last the whole 12 weeks and longer...
Hope you guys start to feel better too. I've been recommended allsorts, here are a few things that are in my cupboard - ginger biscuits, gaviscon, ginger ale, peppermint tea, fennel tea, rich tea, crystallised ginger etc etc!!!! may be something here others could try!
I have to say I can stomach Weetabix for brekkie and strong sweet tea!
dont worry hun monring sickness is terible n ur not being a wimp
im having it terrible this time around aswell
hope it doesnt last hun good luck
x sophie x
i had horrible all day sickness with my first so i sympathise! your not being a wimp at all, it totlly wipes you!
I had servere morning sickness with my first i was hospitalised for weeks with it. :(

I don't seem as bad with it this time :pray: but i hate the feeling of feeling sick or being sick. :x

I totally sympathise with you chick as i'm going through the whole feeling sick stage at the min. here's to it passing for us all very quick! :pray: :pray:
I'm feeling exactly the same as all you ladies. I have crumpets with lots of butter on them in the morning and that seems to help. Also been eating alot of chocolate which also seems to help. I felt terrible when I was having Charlie and I had to go to work on the London underground which was a nightmare, so I sympathise with all you working mums. Hope you all feel better soon x
I alwasy found sweet milky tea helped me in the morns when i felt bad, i found after a couple of cups i could get out of bed.
It does wipe you though and big hugs to you all that have been suffering from it :D

Passes sweet tea all around :angel:
charliesmum said:
I'm feeling exactly the same as all you ladies. I have crumpets with lots of butter on them in the morning and that seems to help. Also been eating alot of chocolate which also seems to help. I felt terrible when I was having Charlie and I had to go to work on the London underground which was a nightmare, so I sympathise with all you working mums. Hope you all feel better soon x

I've been nauseous for over a week, but I was actually sick for the first time this morning and it was right as I was about to leave for work. Now I'm really worried that I'm going to get sick on the tube! :oops:
jussy said:
Thanks ladies, it does help having someone who understands these things! I am eating, its a strain but I am doing it and it stays down at least! I just have my fingers crossed it doesn't last the whole 12 weeks and longer...
Hope you guys start to feel better too. I've been recommended allsorts, here are a few things that are in my cupboard - ginger biscuits, gaviscon, ginger ale, peppermint tea, fennel tea, rich tea, crystallised ginger etc etc!!!! may be something here others could try!
I have to say I can stomach Weetabix for brekkie and strong sweet tea!

fennel tea is on roll back at asda 50p from 1.80
Im feeling exactly the same, having to force down small amounts of food regularily cos I just cant face a proper meal :puke: im hoping it will pass VERY SOON!! lol :lol:

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