how could he do this to us:(

muhahaha :twisted:

:rotfl: im a softy really i just like to let my men know where they stand lol. Not that i really get listened too :roll: lol

cas xx

Thanks for the messages girls.
He came home around 730am Friday morning iw ent upstairs not saying a word to him he followed me up and said sorry i said well sorry aint gonna help, hes like well i have no excuse for what i did no reason for it i just did it.
Then he tried having cuddles with me after all this i pushed him away and said thats the last thing i want right now.
I told him he has to help me more with Kiara cuz its always just me doing everything now,so when he comes home from work he is expected to do the dinner feed and help with bathing ect cuz Kiara is getting way too attached to just me and wants nothign to do with Bernie.
He will also put her to bed every other night or even most nights
My dad is going to the island Sechelt is not too far from our house but you take a ferry.
He is considering moving there so we could go with him and start a new life that way we arent around his uncle no more which i think will really hep our relationship we owuldnt be doing this till prob beginning of Feb as i want to spend Kiaras christmas and birthday out here and my friend is due beginning of Jan and i cant miss it.

So thats whats happening so far my cousin leaves on Friday morning so we will have a bit of time ot our selves which will be really good for us as well.

As for the doctors im phoning there in a few min to see when that doc is in so will be getting it done this week sometime

Thanks for all your support i really needed to get that all out thursday night feel better now just gotta get things adjusted.
Katrina xx
awww hun how is ur dad did he say ne thing

cheek of him asking for cuddles id have given him his pillow and told him where the sofa was hehe

how is things with him now?/
Glad it is all sorted now hun, sounds like quality time together is just what you need! xx

Sarah my dad didnt say much he just doesnt wantus breakig up over his uncle so my dads willing to drop everything and move.

Berneis uncle phoned my dad and apologized to him .

Bernie and i have been gettign along okay now.. think camping did us some good, fresh air and all. we will see how things go
bloody drink turns the best into demons.

wishing you nothing but the best hun. tell him theres an angry mob after him here on this forum. we will all fly out and sort him out.

x :D x

Davina thnaks hun :rotfl: dont think i will be telling him that lol he might not let me go on here no more ... but if i ever need you im keeping your word on that :wink:
Katrina xxxx

Has the Uncle apologised to YOU?

hmmmm he sounds like a nasty piece of work, you need to get away from him asap
I'd mother the uncle with a big stick with a nail in it!! :evil:

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