Shortness of breath??


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2014
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Does anyone else have this? I'm feeling really short of breath, even when sat doing nothing and it's making me feel a bit panicky. Is it likely to be the way baby is sitting? I haven't had this before now? Thanks girls x
I only get out of breath if walking up stairs or long distances. I'd check with your midwife if it's making you feel panicky xx
I get shortness of breath every now and again, just started this week, it doesn't panic me, I think it is the way babies sitting. My pregnancy app actually gave an update the other day saying shortness of breath is because baby is getting so big it's crowding my lungs but if it's severe or persistent speak to your midwife. You are a bit further on than me but I think when ur bump drops a bit it eases off x
I get shortness of breath also but only when I am walking too fast or going upstairs. According to books and magazines ive read its perfectly normal.
I get short of breath when walking upstairs etc. however I do also sometimes get it sitting - it's like a pressure feeling in the centre of my rib cage/ diaphragm as if I can't draw in enough breath - it actually helps me to stand or lie back so I assume that is to do with baby's position/ overcrowding in there, obviously when your sat down you're squishing things even further. But if you're feeling panicky no harm contacting midwife xxx
Thanks very much for the replies girls, much appreciated. Summer15, it's exactly as you describe when sat down, must be overcrowding, feel like I'm struggling to draw breath. Will keep on my feet till it shifts a bit!..thankyou x
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Shortness of breath at rest can also be to do with low iron levels, it might be worth speaking to your midwife about it when you next see her. Pale skin, restless legs and frequent headaches can also be symptoms - they're also all normal things in a normal, healthy pregnancy too so don't panic or over worry about it either.
I agree with Charlotte , iron was my shortness of breath a few yrs ago when preg , run it by midwives xx

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