Shortness of breath?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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I know that when bubs starts expandind it's normal for your lungs to get a bit squished but I am feeling so crappy and out of breath today that i'm miserable. It was effort just to have a shower and walk down the stairs for breakfast! :? I'm now resting but still feel so's horrible and i'm miserable :cry: Sorry for the moan but just wondered if anyone else is the same?
I have felt like this for days, even when i'm resting i feel breathless.

I'm not sure what the cause of it is I have seen my GP who said if i have been having lots of heartburn/indigestion that can cause breathlessness, but I have never heard of that before.
I'm sorry to hear you are feeling the same way as it blooming awful :( I just feel like I can't breath enough air in and it's really frustrating! I read in my pregnancy book it's normally due to the fact that baby is expanding and compressing your lungs. I just don't think I can handle too many days of this though as I can hardly walk down the stairs without feeling lightheaded and exhuasted :? I've read the best thing to do it rest so I think i'm going to put my feet up. I hope you feel better soon too.
It is really awful i feel exactly the same as you though -That I can't breathe in enough air.

I'm determined not to 'Google' it and frighten my self I have had a look on past posts on this website and it seems to be quite common.
I feel like I have it all day though even when I am resting my chest feels tight, i think i am possibly getting a bit stressed about it and that is making it worse too.

Hope you feel better soon too.

I know how u feel, I have googled it and it does reassure that it is normal. I have found that getting on all fours with my bum slightly raised seems to offer a bit of temporary seems to remove the pressure a bit and apparently encourages bubs to move position. I'm glad no one can see me at the moment on my laptop on all fours with my arse in the air :D :oops:
:D I might give that a try later - I think my DS will think I have gone even more mental if he sees me doing that.

I can only assume my little man is pushing up into my ribs and squashing me - he's squashing everything else so its likely!!
I used to run 2 miles +, 3 or 4 times a week before I was pregnant, in fact, I did the Race For Life 5K when I was about 2 weeks pregnant and now I can't walk upstairs without feeling breathless! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I hate this symptom - makes me feel so unfit - but it has improved a lot since baby engaged
DebbieM said:
I used to run 2 miles +, 3 or 4 times a week before I was pregnant, in fact, I did the Race For Life 5K when I was about 2 weeks pregnant and now I can't walk upstairs without feeling breathless! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I know it's so upsetting, I am a horse rider and competed most weekends and rode every day training hard. Now even just looking at my horse makes me feel breathless :? I am really stressing about how long it is going to take me to get fit enough to start competing regularly again! I'm so desperate to feel fit again...even though I haven't put too much weight on (thank god!), my arms and legs have turned to jelly! I want my muscles back!
ella said:
I hate this symptom - makes me feel so unfit - but it has improved a lot since baby engaged

I can't wait to drop now and engage, I have bubs feet in my ribs at the mo :?
im having really bad chest pains too , was so bad last night they had me in tears , got a bit worrying as i even went pins and needles in my left hand :shock: but my chest is proper hurting and i really thought i was carrying low so hope all ok !
Have any of you had a cold recently??

I had a cold around 12 weeks and my breathing went really bad, i asked the doc for an inhaler, she tried me on antibiotics first but that didnt clear it so she gave me an inhaler and it helped, i had the blue one and also a brown one i used for about 2 weeks then came off them. She said this happens to a lot of women in pregnancy and a short dose of the inhalers clear it up.

Might be worth asking your doctor if you'd had a cold.

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