Thank you ladies, mouse great news! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy x
Right the plan is to make another appt at Drs. They basically told me last week that they will look into nothing until it happens again! We shall see.
Since then I have emailed a private clinic, received a reply stating they will forward email to consultant and he will get back to me... nothing yet.
Contacted an acupuncturist... at least she didn't see a desperate woman and £££s. She suggested I go for tests 1st as I easily fall pg and if I get nowhere then she would be willing to help.
So.. I am going to make dr appt and state that I will pay for the tests, surely they can't refuse me a blood test?
Itisbabytime I know your clued up on temping, if I start from now and back up with opks I should get an idea of ov? Even though not start of cycle?
Lastly does anyone know about the blood clotting problem? Is that an auto immune problem? I have coeliac disease and although treated by diet only its classed as an auto immune disease, so thinking I should look into tests for that?
Sorry for the long post, tbh I'm at my wits end and loosing faith in my body to do it's job properly! X