Shilpa speaks out

so can everyone see why i want to fuck off to aus?

budge im joining your campaign!!!
According to the news Jermaine Jackson is going to be questioned by police on his comment "White Trash".
pah!!! whats the police going to do about it :roll:
My opinions on this have changed slightly since the last thread on this.

Its all just a big silly game to me, you cant change peoples opinions of other people just by saying "you cant say that its racist".

REAL racists make me sick to the stomach with thier ignorance and narrow minds, spreading thier sickness to thier children, I would happliy string the lot of them up, but what happened in the BB house wasnt what I would call "real" racism, it was just a group of silly little girls who havnt got a brain cell between them reverting to playground politics.

I liken it to myself, theres this woman who I really really cant stand, shes rather large and I have occasionally called her a fat cow. Doesnt mean I dislike her becasue shes large, its just something I can use to make myself feel better. The woman is my "mother" and I cant stand the evil cow, if she was skinny I would probably call her a skinny cow.

(ducks from incoming rotten eggs)

The only lesson they are likeley to have learned is never to be nasty to someone if they are a minority cos your likely to be called a racist.

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