New Years Eve
The quietest new year we have ever had i think! But the most enjoyable for me, as i spent the entire night ordering everything baby related we need!
During the day we went to cribbs causeway in Bristol, with the idea that we would buy everything we need. But we just ended up walking around the shops with my list feeling overwhelmed by the choice! All we came home with was some pyjamas for me. But i did get to see the pram we've ordered again and have decided to stick with the fudge one, so at least that has put my mind at rest. When we got home, i went through my list and ordered everything online and it was so much easier and less confusing. Everything has been arriving this week and its great. We're starting to get our smallest bedroom clear of all our moving boxes finally and DH has set up the wardrobe in there....i cant wait for the cot to arrive at the end of january now. I will post pictures when it is a bit more sorted, although we are not buying any bedding etc until we know what color we need so it wont actually be finished til baby is here.
Midwife 7.1.09
Went to midwife yesterday. All is well. Finally found out some info about antenatal classes, although i dont think i'll be able to go as DH is working away so i cant get to them as i dont drive.

She said i shold go to the February ones but i'm going to find out about going to the March ones instead, it might be leaving it a little late but i would like to go if possible.
I noticed in my notes my bump measured 27 this time but i was 2 days off 29 weeks. Last time it was exactly right for the date, i dont know if this is a problem or not, she didn't comment on it so i guess its ok.
She had a feel to see how baby is lying and said she could feel it squirming under her hands! She told me where she could feel its foot, head and bum!
I asked her about homebirths as it still something thats on my mind. I would really like one, the only worry i have is the distance we are from the hospital, its abot 25-30 mins drive away. It would obviously be quicker in an amblance, but the ambulance has also get to our house first. I really dont like the thought of hospital, i like being in my own home and i'm thinking that i would be more relaxed at home and hopefully this will help me deal with the pain better. Anyway, i could tell by the look on her face that she was going to try to put me off. She said that out of 12 women that had choose to have a home birth in our area only 2 successfully delivered at home. Now to DH who isn't as keen on the idea as me, that sounds like 10 babies died or had difficulties. But she then goes on to say that some went over due and had to be induced (meaning they never even ended up trying to have a homebirth!), some wanted more pain relief so decided to go to hospital, and the others got transfered to hospital for one reason or another. She then said a homebirth isn't ideal for your first baby as you dont know what the pain is like and what kind of pain relief you will need. But i had read in the NCT birth book i bought that a first baby is ideal for a homebirth as everything usually happens a lot slower, therefore if there is a problem there is more time to transfer you to hospital. So i'm now none the wiser about what to do! DH had read about a 'homely birth', where you make the hospital feel more like home with candles and music etc. He really liked the sound of that as it felt like a compromise between what the 2 of us want, the midwife just laughed when he mentioned it!

She said we need to see the hospital for what it is, its very clinical. We should stay at home for as long as possible and go to the hospital at the last minute, push the baby out and go home a few hours after. I'm considering choosing a homebirth, and seeing how bad the pain is when labour starts as i can always decide to go to hospital if i cant cope.
Bump @ 28 Weeks
Michelle x