Shell's TTC Diary - *IVF/ICSI* - BFP!!!!

omg i just read the whole 30 pages of your journey and it made me so happy to see that you finally got your well deserver bfp congrats hun im so happy for you you made me tearfull :hug: :hug: :hug: have you had an early scan yet? everyone is dying to know if theres two :wink: xxx
Official Test Day - 4 Weeks 3 days Pregnant!

Haven't managed to get on here as we moved house over the weekend. I did the digital test on Saturday and thankfully it said pregnant! :cheer:

Thank you for all your kind messages, it means so much. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Today is my official test day, so i did another test before we rang the hospital (just in case!) was still positive and actually had a nice chunky line this time. :cheer: DH called the hospital and they have arranged a scan for me on the 12th August. It feels like ages away. I thought it would be the week before as its normally done between 6 & 7 weeks, closer to 7 is better though as there is more chance of a heartbeat being detected. I will be 7 weeks 4 days by then i think, i really wanted it earlier but the receptionist said that it has to be 3 weeks after my test date! Its going to be an awful wait to find out if everything is ok and in the right place. We may look at paying to get one done sooner. Even if there is no heartbeat that early at least i will know that it is where is should be. Am i being too paranoid??!! Its taken so long to get to this point, i'm terrified it will all go wrong. When should i start getting symptoms? At the moment i am off certain food, which started a day or 2 before i tested. My boobs have been quite sore but not too bad, but i'm not sure if the soreness has decreased today which is scaring me! Other than some cramps, thats it. I keep saying to myself its probably way too early and to be patient. In a few weeks i'll probably be wishing i didn't have any symptoms.

I stopped my progesterone today as well. I had my last one last night. So thats another scary moment, wondering if it was the progesterone pessaries keeping everything in. Does the worry ever end?!!

Do you think i could continue this diary? I dont know how appropriate it is being in the TTC section, buts its really helped to have somewhere to write and i dont really want to abandon it just yet. I will carry on for now, but if its wrong then someone just let me know.

Thank you all again for all your messages. Its amazing how many people have said congratulations. I couldn't believe it when i logged on. Thank you. :hug:

Michelle x
shellbham said:
Does the worry ever end?!!

Do you think i could continue this diary? I dont know how appropriate it is being in the TTC section, buts its really helped to have somewhere to write and i dont really want to abandon it just yet. I will carry on for now, but if its wrong then someone just let me know.

1) Does the worry end? No :lol: welcome to parenthood :cheer: . This is just the beginning of a long life of worrying. You never stop worrying about your child(ren) its just that the worry changes. Congratulations!

2) Personally I think you should continue your diary. Your journey is just half way through and I'm sure your story will give others hope.
:hug: :hug: :hug: to be honest I think the worry starts now!! but it will be worth it :D My nausea came and went along with cramps in my tummy - my boobies and particularly my nipples are the one constant - by bedtime I feel like my nipples are on fire!! 3 weeks will seem a life time away but you will be amazed how quickly it comes around and it will mean you are more likely to see that precious heartbeat....

I think here is a lovely place to continue with your diary - there are lots of us who look forward to you posting :hug:

Congratulations again.

Jane x
Please continue with the diary shell, it is a great read and give everyone TTC hope that we can all get there eventually.

roll on scan day!
:cheer: definitely carry on the diary hun, you are such an inspiration.

the worry never ends not even when they are born!! :D all part of parenthood hunny and enjoy every minute xx
Just read this, so chuffed for you, congratulations! :cheer: :cheer:

All the best for your scan, the day will be here before you know it :hug:
BIG CONGRATS to you, :cheer: :cheer: you go girl you deserve your BFP!!!!
well done :hug: :hug: xx
OMG CONGRATULATIONS :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap:
Only just seen this and was so chuffed that you have had your BFP, I had read the 1st 24 pages of this straight and have been dipping in and out since then.
I think it is fantastic, and the 3 weeks until the scan will fly (even if they seem to be ages away). We had our scan date 4 weeks before our scan and to be honest, it was here before I knew it. I still dont know where the past 7 weeks since I got my BFP have gone though, it seems like yesterday and I want to enjoy and savour it.
A huge CONGRATULATIONS and please please continue the diary
Hi Shell

I haven't posted for a while but have been sneaking back in just to see your diary!!

CONGRATULATIONS sweetie!!! I am soooo thrilled for you, truly I am :hug:

Its been such a journey for you, and I think its fantastic you have kept a diary - this is something you can print off and keep for when your bubba is older, and they will know just how special and loved they are. My eyes are filling up here just thinking about it!!

It is so inspiring to read a success story which gives us all hope, whether we are going through treatment or not. As you may remember, I am waiting to start IVF too, although due to HUGE NHS waiting lists, this will not be until Aug 2009 :( . We are thinking of going private, but will need to either win the lotto or do some serious saving over the next couple of months! In the meantime though we are still praying for that mini miracle.

Much love to you and your DH, and enjoy every second of your pregnancy hunnie!!

Please dont leave us ttc we enjoy seeing your diary def gives us old timers hope. best wishes to you and family x
Thank you for all your support about continuing my diary. I guess it looks like i'm here to stay!! :D Also thank you to all your comments about the wait for my scan, symptoms etc. It really helps hearing from other people. I've never been pregnant before so dont know what to expect or how i should be feeling. I only have one friend who is pregnant and she cant remember anything i want to know!!

Jule - Good luck for when you start IVF next year. Fingers crossed you wont need it though! :pray:

:D 5 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant :D

I cant believe it has already been a week since i last wrote on here! Its now 2 weeks tomorrow until my scan and wish i could fast forward to the 12th. Its torture. I'm over analysing everything. My boobs have been tender and definately bigger but then since yesterday that seems to have gone away. That cant be a good sign, surely. Its like they're back to normal, although i think i'm still bulging out of my bra! When are you meant to start wearing non wired bras?

I have felt slightly nauseous since yesterday too. Although i dont know if thats because of the heat or me wishing myself sick! :oops: Its not like i'm going to be sick, more like car sickness and i feel like i'm moving when i'm not. My mom didn't suffer from morning sickness at all with me or my 2 brothers. In a way i'm hoping i'm the same but then i also want it so that i have a sign that somethings going on inside me.

I still haven't attempted to eat cereal so i am still having a bacon sandwich in the morning (sometimes on the night too as i cant get enough of them!!), sometimes with a fried egg too! :shock: :shock: I am going to be huge. In fact i am loving all the stuff i usually try to limit.....bread, curries with all the extras, fried breakfasts, cheese on toast.......except chocolate, i'm not interested in that at all! :puke:

I promise i'll try not to make every entry on here all about me moaning about symptoms...or my lack of them. Its just that is all thats occupying my mind at the moment so its very hard not to. Hopefully once i have had my scan i can start being more positive and really enjoy whats happening. Until then it will probably be more of this i'm afraid!! Roll on the 12th August!! :D

Michelle x

Ps....I did yet another test on Saturday (7th so far!) and the line was really really dark, much darker than any i'd done before. That was what would have been 22dpo. It made me feel reassured that the HCG must be rising at least.....and then all the other doubts above kicked in!! I have one more test to do which i'll do next weekend and then i promise i wont be buying anymore!
bless you....are you keeping all your pee sticks to compare to!

Roll on the next 15 days...I wanna see if you're having one or two!

I'm sure once the symptoms kick in proper you'll be wondering why you wanted them sooooo much :rotfl:
shellbham said:
I still haven't attempted to eat cereal so i am still having a bacon sandwich in the morning (sometimes on the night too as i cant get enough of them!!), sometimes with a fried egg too!

If you are loving the fried eggs make sure you cook the yolk all the way through as runny eggs are a bit of a no-no I think (I miss them!)

I went off chocolate too in early PG and the thought of eating it made my stomach turn, but now I could eat it til the cows come home. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Only 2 weeks to go til the scan - woo (I know it feels like forever now but the wait will be worth it hun).
Woo scan date has changed. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

We live over an hour away from the hospital now that we have moved house. We are going to be near there on Friday anyway, so instead of having to go back 4 days later i can have my scan on Friday 8th now as i will be 7 weeks by then. I am so happy. I know its only 4 days difference but it feels like its really shortened the wait. I now have 10 days to wait! There should definately be a heartbeat by 7 weeks so at least this should put my mind at rest.

Choklate - Thanks for that. I hate runny yolk though so i always have my eggs like rubber!!! :D

Chellie - Yes i have kept them all except the digital!! I think i will probably throw them away soon though as they've faded anyway. You can barely see a line on the 1st one i did now. :( How are you? Have you had your follow up yet?

Michelle x
wow 10 days will fly by, bet you can't wait to see your little bean on the screen!! xx

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