Sharp pains on right side near ovaries


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hey guys having a bad day today :( Been having the pains kinda near my right ovary on and off for a week but today they have got tome and and stressed me out and caused me to panic.

Its like stabbing pains for about 10 seconds the goes again. On and off throughout the day.

I even called in work sick, and im trying to get the EPU to change my appoint to today rather than Friday so I know its not ectopic and everything is ok. They cant fit me in :wall2:

Ive googled and could be: round ligament pain, fibroids and allsorts

BLOODY MC IN APRIL has let me in a state of panic with everthign :mad: I dont know if this could be a normal preg sign or a sign of something wrong :(

Anyone had this?? Im approx 9+ 5 today and have had no bleeding

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Hi Constantstar,
Didn't want to read and run, I hope everything is ok and hopefully one of the other girls will be able to shed some light x
Hey hun :hugs: I hope you ok . Try not to panic , easier said than done I know , maybe its round ligament pain ? As you say you have no bleeding so that's good :) Google is bad !! it will terrify you i convinced myself I was having a MC so many times when I was pregnant with Aoibheann by checking stuff . :wall2:
I think you will be fine! Pains/niggles are normal...least you are getting checked though it will give you the reassurance you need xxx
ive had the same but also bleeding too.. only light mind am booked in today for a scan today!

hope ur going to be ok hunni xxx
Thanks shauna I think well hoping things wil be ok
Seems I had this infection for around 2weeks I've been taking the tablets again
An it seems to be ok with the bleeding not as bad but am fearing the worse to be honest
Am not expecting them to say everything is ok is that bad of me to think this? X
I've been having the same feelings too - I get them on both sides, I'm pretty sure its round ligament pain hun, I would think that if your nearly 10 weeks pregnant then you would prob know by now if it was ectopic because you would be in so much pain you'd know about it, thats what a pal of mine said to me anyway, and it reassured me. She said that I'd prob been over doing it a bit (which i prob had!). I hope your appoinment goes well on friday x If the pain gets a lot worse, go to A & E xx
thank you all!! its on and off and seems to subsided now ive had a kip! (fell asleep for 3 and 1/2 hours!!) one more day to go then scan so fingers crossed. Il update (hopefully with a piccy)

I had to tell my mum today just needed some support as dont think my OH really understands. She lives abroad and was lovely to hear her so happy and to get some reassurance.

Im past the point of my last MC and past when my period was due and had no bleeding which is obviously a good sign! Ive a low pain threshold too so could be anything really. Thank you all for your support. Just f
got to be thankful of no blood xxx

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