shannon arya massey 9/9/10


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
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Well this is a bit late but her go's. Went to see the midwife at 40 plus 1(Thursday) baby was not engaged and cervix was still thick, i thought o great cos i wanted this baby the day after (friday) more convenient cos i have 3 other little ones, anyway she offered me the sweep and i jumped at the chance didn't think she would offer, she said it more then likely wont work. Anyway got home had 1 tinge in my back but nothing else, then a couple of hours later i got a bit of the show which the midwife told me would happen, i was a bit woo cos I've only had that while in proper labour. To cut it short i got a few niggles at about 8pm then a few huge contractions at 8.50pm, i started to get things ready cos i felt huge presser in my bum phoned hospital they said go in straight away i waited a bit, got examined at 10.30pm and i was 7 cm!!!:dance: The midwife sorted out my drip( i have gbs) then i got took to the labour ward all a while telling her I NEED TO PUSH!!! got on the gas and air had another HUGE urge to push got on the bed and got told off for pushing:wall2: I told her the baby is coming!!! She said NO DONT PUSH I NEED MY GLOVES ON!! Anyway babies head was born in waters, then the rest of her come out it was so PAINFULL!! NO drugs, the cord was wrapped round her neck twice but she was fine so just after 3 hours start to finish i was holding my baby weighing 6lb 15oz. Oh was at home looking after the kids so i was on my own, i rang him to say i had the baby and was so shocked cos i only left 45 mins befor i had her:shock: sorry for long post..Will post some more pics soon. x


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Aw she's gorgeous x congratulations x
Gosh what a quick labour, I'm impressed you did it all on your own! Congrats she is gorgeous x
thats the way to do it apart from not having anyone with you xx
well done you! and brave to do it your self! shes gorgeous!
Awe she is gawgus!!! Congrats hunni!!! Xxx

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awww she's a beauty hun, congratulations!!!

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