

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Having had three previous MC's midwife never really told me much about sex during 1st trimester.. Is it safe to do it?? I know i couldn't go rough or anything lol. But am kinda missing it. Been 7 weeks.. ahhhhh!!!!!!
Or should i hold off just incase? xx
I've only had 1 mc but I held off on the sex until I was around 15 weeks. I didn't wanna take any chances but I was also really sick from ms and very tierd! x x
I've had 1 miscarriage but have had sex all through this pregnancy and it's been fine. Personally I don't believe that sex can start a miscarriage, but more that it brings on a miscarriage that was about to happen anyway for other reasons....however I can completely understand people's reservations and choices to steer clear for a while. I think they do say that if you have had several miscarriages you should talk to your GP about it first. xx
As said above i would talk to your GP, but sex is fine unless told not to. Go with whatever your comfortable with. Ive only done it about 5 times since finding out i was pregnant and made sure it was very gentle lol x
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Hey Rach....after my MC in April I have been petrified to have sex with this time and Im nearly 29 weeks and poor DH still hasnt had sex....well not penetrative (sorry TMI)!

TBH I dont think I will be happy till lo is out before I am happy about having sex again but thats fine and DH bless him hasnt twisted about it at all so Im lucky hes ok about it all!

I know how you feel although Im sure I would be fine I just worry so choose not to xxx
Think its personal choice really. Tbh, if you are not comfortable with it then you won't enjoy the sex anyway! Personally, I have sex still 3 or 4 times a week and last pregnancy right through to the very day before Joshua was born! I think its fun at 8/9 months trying to find a way to make it possible lol
I completely understand where you are coming from. we have had 2 MC and now pregnant with our third, sex is a no go. This was a personal decision. The reason was that I would have light spotting after sex, and we decided not to (poor hubby) and after a chat with the nurse she said in first trimester best to avoid. This however is a very personal decision. I get the frustration (I miss sex so much! - never thought I would admit it lol) and share the concern. It is something you and your partner have to decide. Good luck with it, and keep safe.
I too have lost babies, one was the twin of my eldest and it petrified me and was advised not to cos everytime we did I bled so was put off with my second, this time I just cant get enough! Sorry TMI, but we do it at least once a day and luckily no blood so hopin its all ok. I find that sex to me is almost like a cravin,
Tasha x
There is no way on earth you can hurt your baby by having sex, but have gentle sex.
There is no way on earth you can hurt your baby by having sex, but have gentle sex.

I dont think its so much of a case of we think were going to hurt the baby as such Starfish, I think for most of us who have MC its the fear of having sex which may then somehow contribute to causing problems or causing us to MC....not as simple as 'There is no way on earth you can hurt your baby by having sex'....

Lots of women have been advised not to have sex after one or more MC's so there is obviously some reason for being advised to abstain!

If only it were that simple non of us would be so wary!
There is no way on earth you can hurt your baby by having sex, but have gentle sex.

I dont think its so much of a case of we think were going to hurt the baby as such Starfish, I think for most of us who have MC its the fear of having sex which may then somehow contribute to causing problems or causing us to MC....not as simple as 'There is no way on earth you can hurt your baby by having sex'....

Lots of women have been advised not to have sex after one or more MC's so there is obviously some reason for being advised to abstain!

If only it were that simple non of us would be so wary!

Totally Agree xxx
Its hard at times isnt it WRach....holding back when all you want is to have that side of your relationship but as we know....its not worth the worry and its only temp...and theres lots of other ways to get close....xxxx
Its hard at times isnt it WRach....holding back when all you want is to have that side of your relationship but as we know....its not worth the worry and its only temp...and theres lots of other ways to get close....xxxx

Yeah i have been just cuddling and doing "Other" things... :rofl:
I have held back from having sex mainly because my OH is uncomfortable with it.. bless him. He doesn't want to hurt the baby, It's more me wanting. Never been so horny in my life. What a dilemma haha! xxx
Its hard at times isnt it WRach....holding back when all you want is to have that side of your relationship but as we know....its not worth the worry and its only temp...and theres lots of other ways to get close....xxxx

Yeah i have been just cuddling and doing "Other" things... :rofl:
I have held back from having sex mainly because my OH is uncomfortable with it.. bless him. He doesn't want to hurt the baby, It's more me wanting. Never been so horny in my life. What a dilemma haha! xxx

Ahhh poor you! lol

Yeah the 'other' stuff is fine for now but cant wait to get back to normal!

I went right off sex and anything else at first and wasnt interested then it returned lol! Wont be long Rach then we will be DTD like we were TTC again hee hee!! Happy days xxx

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