Sex once a year....and pregnant (made i laugh)


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Today I was talking to a work colleague and he said his mate is in a relationship and he gets walked all over basically. anyway he was sahying in 12 months this guy and his GF have had sex once and she is pregnant! She either knew exactly when to get Pregnant or they are so lucky!!! (although aparently this guy is gutted haha)

It does make me think maybe we are overthinking the whole thing and if we just carried on as normal it would happen when the time was right! what are your thoughts?
Wow extrememly lucky or what!!!

Well Im not sure tbh I thought I had the theory of let nature take its course...that was of course untill we started TTC and Im doing everything in the books to try and increase our chances lol!!
I think depending what state of mind your in you can either relax and hope for the best or give nature a helping hand lol but as each month is so precious I kinda think 'oh no dont waste a month' relaxing lol get cracking lol! Who knows ehh....fingers crossed for us all ttc again this month tho
yeah wilma....i am still gonna chart etc, then atleast wwe are doing everything we can :-)
Absolutely!!! Then we know were doing everything possible and hopefully increasing our chances!!

Ive just got some Ov sticks...not sure how good they are as never used them before but although ticker said start of fertile period yesterday, they havent indicated Im near ovulation as yet...but still got till 21st apparently!! Have you ever or do you use ov sticks? x
She's a very lucky lady.
Lets keep our fingers crossed for our :bfp: this month girlies.
I have been ttc for 2 months and have used ov sticks both months. i was waaay out on when i ovulate. But my cycle is also longer than i thought it was since coming off the pill.
Oh really Puzzle? Ive only been TTC properly for one cycle after coil removal and had AF right after removal then again from 9th to about 15th Feb so tryong again this month with Ov sticks but as yet nothing showing up on them....just going to try and BD as much as poss and keep everything crossed....well not quite everything lol xxx Good look Puzzle xx
Thanks very much. Good luck to you too hun.
My cycle was typical 28 days before i went on the pill. Was convinced i ovulated day 14. But my ov tests have shown a positive on day 17 both months. By which point i would probably have stopped worrying so much about :bd: thinking i had ov'd days before.
Fingers crossed for us all this month. xxx
Wow that girl was lucky...pregnant after sex once! This is my 3rd month TTC. I have started using OV sticks this month and got a positive on the 17th, I thought I OV'd on the 14th! LOL quite a way out! I thought they weren't woring when I was testing up to the 14th but I thought I'd carry on until AF arrived just to see. Keeping my fingers crossed for this month!!

When i was with my ex we hardly ever had sex (i basically hated him lol) we hadn't had sex for about 8 months and we did it one night, and one night only and i fell pregnant!! I couldn't believe it. The pregnancy had to be ended due to health problems i had at the time. But....i did have a baby to him a few years before this and i was on the pill when i got up the duff (little boy is 7 now)

Then when i found a real man and loving partner, we decided to have a baby together and it took 5 months of TTC to get my BFP......go figure!! When i wasn't trying, i got pregnant but when i wanted babies i had to work at it.

I hope you all get your BFP's really soon xx
wow puzzle....think I will keep doing the Ov sticks...Im due to Ov on 21st I think and so far nothing yet but as Ive not used them before if they only show up on your Ov day or on the run up to it...will keep trying tho! lol!! Good luck again everyone xxx
it's funny cos i used an ov machine from clear blue but both times i fell pregnant were months i didn't use it...i do think there's something to be said for relaxing (well for me anyway) xxx
Def agree Karen and wish I could lol but Im so scared of missing that crucial time Im going mad lol! Plus age isnt on my side so I have to get it right asap lol! hax
Thats the way I am thinking this month. I am not going to track my ov this month, just going to relax and go with the flow! xx
Hey Puds good luck....
Im Ov today and have been BD every day since 17th and tbh its become very mechanical....not nice so as Im now in my TWW we will have to see if its paid off....but although I tell myself to just let things go with the flo I just Im prob not doing myself any favours by overthinking things but I just want it to happen like yesterday lol! Were quite close in cycles so weill be testing similar times so I hope you get your BFP this time around xxx

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