Could i be pregnant?


New Member
Nov 26, 2011
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I had my coil taken out 8 days ago ( last friday ) as we are trying to concieve. My period was due on sunday. ( two days after getting coil out ) and has still not came. We had sex on the day coil was removed and every 2nd night sinse then. i know this is totally the wrong time to get pregnant as most women ovulate 14 days into there cycle and not at the end but my periods are regular and never as late. I also know sperm can live 5 days but we never had sex within the 5 days before coil was removed. Please give me your thoughts. Thanks.
dont want to disappoint but it would be very unlikely.

Your body will need to re-regulate itself after having been on the coil and this may take some time - some women are very lucky and it happens in a few months for others it can take longer.

Ovualtion day is dependant on many things and even in a 28 day cycle it could happen anywhere from day 10-17. The 14 day statement comes from the textbook assumption that women have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on day 14 - true for some but far from the majority. there are so many things that have to be just right for conception - cervicl mucus, the timing of sex, the hormones in your body building up womb lining etc! its all very technical!

I would carry on having sex as it could happen! I would also keep track of any bleeding, changes in cervical musuc etc and look for signs of ovulation. Also do some general googling for info about the female body just to learn more about cycles, ovulation etc . good sites are fertility friend, taking charge of your fertility, wikipedia entries.
Hey hun. didn't want to read and run! I was told that your fertility returns right away inception the coil's removed but you'd probably have a regular cycle first. doesn't seem likely but you could always pick up some cheap internet tests to use to check when you're ov'ing and some hpts too. Fx and baby dust to you xxx
Ps my autocorrect is making no sense there sorry! Lol

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