Sex offender alerts plan launched

Chocoholic, sorry I over reacted. I have been told before that because I work with sex offenders I was on their side, which if anyone knew me would know that is so far from the truth. :hug:

Misslarue said:
widowwadman said:
In the case of Jamie Bulger's murderers, btw, they were 10 year old children. If anything they were victims themselves, too.

Anyone who has read the case in great detail, such as myself, would fail to see how they were victims :shock: :shock:
There was also aspects of a sexual nature to their crime.

From what I have read (not sure what you mean by great detail but I have read a fair bit around it) I would think they were victims of a bad childhood. It certainly does not excuse what they did, not should it, nothing can. I remember when the case happened, and seeing the images of groups of adults baying for the blood of two children - that's what they were and I don't think that should be forgotten. Yes they were child killers and they deserved to be punished but the mobs outside the courts would have ripped these two young boys to pieces. There are people who think good they deserve it, and probably they do but the idea of a group of adults screaming for the torture and murder of 2 young children makes me uncomfortable and if they had managed to do such a thing would they have been any different. And because I think that does not mean I think they should have gotten away with anything or should be forgiven, the things I have read about the case haunt me, and I cannot read them ever again after having my own children. It is my biggest fear and I cannot imagine how the parents of that poor little boy feel and hope to god I never have to. I agree there were sexual elements, makes you wonder what the two killers had been exposed too, probably a lot of violence at home but again thats not an excuse.

I agree that we have to protect our children, I am a parent myself and of course I want my children to grow up safe. But I just can't see how this will work. I personally think the best thing that can be done is the government putting more money into multi agecy approaches so more info can be shared about offenders, and there are more resources to keep track of them. Also the sentencing needs to improve. These offenders are getting ridiculously short sentences, not long enough to allow any work to be done (its not about rehabilitating them its about them managing their behaviour0. If they don't want want to mange their behaviour, don't release them.Current research suggests that programmes are more successful at reducing recidivism rates but there is simply not the time nor the resources to ensure every sex offender completes the programme. And parents need to take responisibility too. Find out who your child is spending time with, encourage an open relationship where they can talk to you about everything. Follow you instinct, if someone makes you feel uncomfy don't leave your kid with them.
There was a big police operation a few years ago where they arrested a lot of people on suspision of downloading child pornography from a certain website and as far as i am aware quite a few people that were arrested were found to have nothing on their computers, said that they had accidently come across it whilst looking for adult porn but were still asked to sign the SO register for a certain amount of time. What happens about these people if they get found out even though they have done nothing wrong? they still get beaten in the street or called names or worse? this is partly why i think there needs to be another way because some innocent people may get hurt. Of course i think the people that have done something should be punished. Saying that i doubt my abuser is in prison or been caught or put on any kind of register, my guess is he is still out there doing the same thing as the way it happened to me is a way that he probably never will get caught for it and i know he managed to get to a few younger girls around here at the time.
beanie said:
Chocoholic, sorry I over reacted. I have been told before that because I work with sex offenders I was on their side, which if anyone knew me would know that is so far from the truth. :hug:

Misslarue said:
widowwadman said:
In the case of Jamie Bulger's murderers, btw, they were 10 year old children. If anything they were victims themselves, too.

Anyone who has read the case in great detail, such as myself, would fail to see how they were victims :shock: :shock:
There was also aspects of a sexual nature to their crime.

From what I have read (not sure what you mean by great detail but I have read a fair bit around it) I would think they were victims of a bad childhood. It certainly does not excuse what they did, not should it, nothing can. I remember when the case happened, and seeing the images of groups of adults baying for the blood of two children - that's what they were and I don't think that should be forgotten. Yes they were child killers and they deserved to be punished but the mobs outside the courts would have ripped these two young boys to pieces. There are people who think good they deserve it, and probably they do but the idea of a group of adults screaming for the torture and murder of 2 young children makes me uncomfortable and if they had managed to do such a thing would they have been any different. And because I think that does not mean I think they should have gotten away with anything or should be forgiven, the things I have read about the case haunt me, and I cannot read them ever again after having my own children. It is my biggest fear and I cannot imagine how the parents of that poor little boy feel and hope to god I never have to. I agree there were sexual elements, makes you wonder what the two killers had been exposed too, probably a lot of violence at home but again thats not an excuse.

I wasn't referring to any vigilante groups surrounding the case after or people baying for their blood! I am referencing the actual case, what these boys actually did. (I agree with you about viligante groups :))
The only point I was making was anyone that has read the actual crime in detail would find it hard to have any ounce of sympthay for these boys or see them as 'victims'.
Without going into detail, the crime itself was a shocking, disgusting long and drawn out affair. There were numerous opportunties to return Jamie. Both boys continued to lie and blame the other and were terrifed of upsetting their mothers, suggesting they knew right from wrong. Theses two boys were not victims of their crime. It could be suggested that they are products of their environmemt. But neither grew up in particularly bad households. There are certainly thousands more children that grow up in far worse hostile and unheathly enviroments and yet do not commit heinous crimes of these degrees.
ok so the 10yr olds who killed jamie have been given new lives, does that make it ok to kill a toddler cos u dont seem to get punished? more like havin a bad dream and bein rewarded for it imo

thats all OUR tax payin money payin for them to live their lives, how the hell does that make jamies mum get any justice for them takin her baby away from her?

Life needs to mean life and if they bring back the death penalty then about bloody time too

im not sayin a vigilante group needs to patrol the streets but the fact that we have survivors of sexual abuse on this very forum makes it seem even more emotive and wrong that people are jus givin them a slap on the wrist and sayin 'ok get on with ur life in peace' so it doesnt breach their human rights?

paedophiles should be strippped of any rights when they have stripped a child of their innocence whatever the case may be, put them on an island to do as they please with eachother
btw i love readin everyone elses replies, they are worded so much better than mine, i jus type as i say it lol :oops: :lol:
mummykay said:
ok so the 10yr olds who killed jamie have been given new lives, does that make it ok to kill a toddler cos u dont seem to get punished? more like havin a bad dream and bein rewarded for it imo

Well, they didn't just get a slap on the wrist, but have spent a significant amount of time in jail. What would society gain from having them locked up for life?

If it was possible to use the time they spent in jail to educate them and turn them into functioning members of society who regret their deeds and are in no danger to re-offend, surely that's a good thing, and a better thing than having them locked up forever.

The one life, i.e. James's, which was lost through the murder is bad enough already, I don't see any advantage in losing another 2 lives just due to revenge thinking.
but they only served 8years and theyre free now? thats not right for torturing and murdering a 3yr old is it?

they knew what they were doin, they were 10 not 2. to keep them alive is an insult to the Bulgar family as well as a waste of taxpayers money and effort from whomever has the unpleasantness of dealin with them
Well, to go away from the direct figures, they've spent almost half their life-time in prison, strikes me as fairly long.

Personally I find advocating the killing of a 10 year old child - no matter what it has done - wrong. Or indeed the killing of anyone. Punishing murder with death is hypocritical to say the least.
Misslarue said:
beanie said:
Chocoholic, sorry I over reacted. I have been told before that because I work with sex offenders I was on their side, which if anyone knew me would know that is so far from the truth. :hug:

Misslarue said:
widowwadman said:
In the case of Jamie Bulger's murderers, btw, they were 10 year old children. If anything they were victims themselves, too.

Anyone who has read the case in great detail, such as myself, would fail to see how they were victims :shock: :shock:
There was also aspects of a sexual nature to their crime.

From what I have read (not sure what you mean by great detail but I have read a fair bit around it) I would think they were victims of a bad childhood. It certainly does not excuse what they did, not should it, nothing can. I remember when the case happened, and seeing the images of groups of adults baying for the blood of two children - that's what they were and I don't think that should be forgotten. Yes they were child killers and they deserved to be punished but the mobs outside the courts would have ripped these two young boys to pieces. There are people who think good they deserve it, and probably they do but the idea of a group of adults screaming for the torture and murder of 2 young children makes me uncomfortable and if they had managed to do such a thing would they have been any different. And because I think that does not mean I think they should have gotten away with anything or should be forgiven, the things I have read about the case haunt me, and I cannot read them ever again after having my own children. It is my biggest fear and I cannot imagine how the parents of that poor little boy feel and hope to god I never have to. I agree there were sexual elements, makes you wonder what the two killers had been exposed too, probably a lot of violence at home but again thats not an excuse.

I wasn't referring to any vigilante groups surrounding the case after or people baying for their blood! I am referencing the actual case, what these boys actually did. (I agree with you about viligante groups :))
The only point I was making was anyone that has read the actual crime in detail would find it hard to have any ounce of sympthay for these boys or see them as 'victims'.
Without going into detail, the crime itself was a shocking, disgusting long and drawn out affair. There were numerous opportunties to return Jamie. Both boys continued to lie and blame the other and were terrifed of upsetting their mothers, suggesting they knew right from wrong. Theses two boys were not victims of their crime. It could be suggested that they are products of their environmemt. But neither grew up in particularly bad households. There are certainly thousands more children that grow up in far worse hostile and unheathly enviroments and yet do not commit heinous crimes of these degrees.

which is what I was saying ;) I have read the actual crime (I remember it made one person in my class throw up), and whilst I don't have any sympathy, I don't think its about sympathising with them but I think its all too easy to lose sight that they were children. Not that this excuses ayhting they did, they committed a crime and deserved to be punished severly but the reaction from the public was shocking too. I wasn't saying they were victims of vigilantes, I was just saying how uncomfortable those scenes were. I do think they were victims of bad parenting, but like you do not believe it excuses anyhting but perhaps it might help us understand what makes people offend as they do and perhaps help them before they cause harm?? They did know right from wrong legally and that is why they were punished as they were. FWIW I don't agree with the actual method of trial, I do think that children should not be tried like adults. However this is a whole other debate and not what this one is about.

Mummykay, the two killers were punished, theywere given an indefinate sentence which was the maximum and will be on licence for the rest of their life. They are not free. Just because they weren't killed or torured does not mean they weren't punished. I don't think their sentence has suggested at any time that it is ok to kill a toddler. Threy may have new lives but they will live those lives in constant fear of being found out, that has happened a few times. They do deserve that constant fear. Perhaps if there wasn't the risk of vigilantism then taxpayers money wouldn't need to be spent on people like these two and Maxine Carr? I cannot ever see a government bringing back the death penalty, its inneffective and expensive. And the suggestion of killing two ten year olds is one that even the USA find abhorrent even though they don't have a great track record with their human rights and the death penalty.
what im sayin is if they were found now, bein of adult age and not kids anymore, and they were tortured and killed the same way as they killed that little boy then i would not lose any sleep to be perfectly honest, not sure if anybody else would be as non plussed as me by havin 2 less child killers breathin on the planet but im an odd one like that

my worst nightmare is anythin happenin to my son, i guess it makes me more irrational the fact that the justice system of this country needs a seriously heavy boot up the arse before anythin is done to make parents less worried for their kids safety

beanie - how do u manage to not be so overprotective with ur kids after hearin things when ur at work?! :o my dad was a prison officer who dealt with the rehabilitatin side of things, maybe thats why i get so annoyed after hearin things he had to deal with at work :think:
what im sayin is if they were found now, bein of adult age and not kids anymore, and they were tortured and killed the same way as they killed that little boy then i would not lose any sleep to be perfectly honest

Just out of interest, what would you suggest should be done with those who committed this hypothetical slaying?

Beanie - your postings are really interesting. Must be a really hard job you're doing, and I'm glad there are people like you doing it.
2 wrongs dont make a right but i fail to see what good keepin them alive is doin for society? and i reckon if those 2 get found out itl be a group of parents gettin the revenge. i know killin the killers wont bring back every murdered child but lettin them free to go out and do it again to another kid, i wouldnt like that hangin on my conscience if i was a judge :think:

maxine carr is another fuckwit who has gotten away with it, hope karma strangles her
mummykay said:
beanie - how do u manage to not be so overprotective with ur kids after hearin things when ur at work?! :o my dad was a prison officer who dealt with the rehabilitatin side of things, maybe thats why i get so annoyed after hearin things he had to deal with at work :think:

I am incredibly over protective with both my girls which sadly is mainly to do with my job. I don't trust anyone with them so they only get looked after by myself or my MIL, or nursery. I have recently resigned from my job for a number of reasons (high caseloads, long hours not good with family life, increasing demands) but also because I was starting to take my work home with me. If I read a particularly nasty case involving children I would put Seren in it (IYKWIM) and just keep thinking about it and getting very upset. However I did love most parts of my job and part of that was the thought that I could help prevent future victims from having to suffer.

I just believe no-one has the right to harm or kill another - no matter who they are. I like to think that is what makes me different from people I have met. I have met plenty of people I wouldn't cry over if I found out they had died but if it was as a result of someone elses actions I wouldn't agree with it.

The Bulger killers haven't been let free to do it again. I am a very different person from when I was 10 - perhaps they are too??
yeah i agree people can change, but then theres also the sayin 'a leopard never changes its spots' so maybe that could be used in this instance also?

sounds like a tough job, but i suppose someone has to do it cos it is an issue that needs hands on workers to deal with it, would be alot better if it wasnt an issue tho :|

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