Sex after baby


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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A famous baby 'expert'* has apparently said that mothers should have sex with their OHs 4-6 weeks after giving birth.

What do u ladies think about this?

I haven't yet partly because of not being on contraception yet and partly because I'd rather I'd rather feel better about myself first so it doesn't feel awkward and everyday I am feeling better abs booked to get the injection on Thursday. I also wanted the all clear at my post natal appt.

BUT I think putting that sort of pressure on new mums, especially if a mum has put a lot of weight on and may not feel themselves isn't good and can contribute to problems.

* I haven't said who it is as I don't want to get anyone in trouble! Hope it's ok referring like that.

I think everyone should do what feels right for them - no one can say when you are ready other than yourself :)
And this 'expert' has never given birth!!!!! She has cared for a load of children but not actually given birth!! If it's what I think you you are talking about!!

Stanley is nearly 4 months and I still havent had it, but thats because I dont have a man :dohh:lol x
And this 'expert' has never given birth!!!!! She has cared for a load of children but not actually given birth!! If it's what I think you you are talking about!!

Stanley is nearly 4 months and I still havent had it, but thats because I dont have a man :dohh:lol x

Yes! I do think it's ludicrous she can comment on that.

I had a section but had so many hands and instruments shoved up there that I'm quiet enjoying having a private floof lol!

aww bless you!! I wouldnt mind a bit of the other...think I was probably ready after about 4 weeks but I had a completely hassle free natural birth, no stitches or anything so felt ready...just need to find me a man :) x
I think it's balderdash. Everyone is different so how can said expert possibly say that? We still haven't, as I was waitin for the coil, which I still haven't got yet. At six weeks it still felt far too strange down there for my liking, feels normal again now but just way too scared of getting preggers again
The expert can go f&*(*% herself. I tried at about 7 weeks and it was too soon for me, obviously.
I'm waiting for my check (today), I want the doc to tell me that i'm all healed below and then i need to sort out some contraception.

Jasper has his jabs today and apparently I get a full check at the same time.

We are 8 weeks and I think I will be ready soon (with the lights out to cover all my stretch marks and sagging)

Actually the thing that concerns me most is that J sleeps in the same room as us and it seems a bit eww to do it in front of him
Haven't done it yet either, purely because I hate my body at the moment :( xx
Star I feel like that about Tyler!

We had our jabs and check today too :)

I was wondering this also. My OH asked this morning I was like a bit well im still bleeding a little and have some Piles (TMI Sorry!) so dont feel right and also not on the pill or anything and hate condoms. Im also worried it will hurt?! Hes being ok to be fair he is being very good about it all seeing as we only dtd once during pregnancy. OH was told I'm bleeding a lot longer than I actually was...then AF arrived :oooo: xx
Eurrgh everyone should do it when they feel ready not earlier because they feel that they should. I did it at about 5 weeks and luckily I felt fine, but everyone is different, it really depends on your labour too x
We did it about 8/9 weeks after he was born. I had a tear and after my 8 week check was told all ok. It wasn't comfortable just then but is fine now. Still need lube though as breastfeeding is making me extra dry tmi I know :p I think they actually sewed me tighter too! You'll know when your ready and take your time with it
obviously it depends on your labour etc. but - now dont all shoot me - maybe having a time frame in mind is a good thing.

"excuses" (im using that loosely) - like baby in room, wobbly bits etc might never go away - so would that just make it more difficult.

Im actully terrified ( and i dont have stitches) - cos DH and I have dtd since sept, and even then i had to stop him cos BH's were too sore.

Part of me thinks that getting the first time over with (physical difficulties not included) - as quickly as possible would be better then we'd get back to relaxing and enjoying it. xxx
I'll be waiting till I am back on contraception and I feel comfortable knowing I am having a c-sec. My stomach muscles will be so sore and I would like to feel a bit better about my body before going there. My OH and me have spoken about it and agreed between us that we will wait till I am comfortable. xxx
How's Jasper doing? Tyler's just had a temperature had a scream and is now asleep on me.

She needs to go away!
I would like her to have sex that soon after having an epiostomy and 3rd degree tear thru a blood vessel :wall:
We havent tried yet and although I know OH is gagging for it he has put no pressure on me at all he saw the carnage in the delivery room! :shock:


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