seriously w'd be better off without

roxane 1985

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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ok so i made a terriblemistake yrs ago and was in a relationship with an older man, he had 3 kids he didnt see and explained to me why.

i was stupid enough to have a child with him even though i wouldnt change my daughter for the world.

i soon realised two of the kids he didnt see was through choice and the other was the mom got no help from him so had to move away for work.

i finally came to my senses and left him when she was 10 months.

he is a moron he has lied where he has taken her and said he was with family turns out he was meeting women off the net.

then takes me through solicitors as i stopped access for a bit.

he now sees her twice a week at my place, he has tried brain washing her against my partner and is doing everything he can not to pay for her.

my mom even got him a job so he could pay maintenance and he has requested the boss drop his hrs so he doesnt have to pay.

i just wish he would get out of our lives for good i know ofr a fact he only sticks around because i hate him.
I'm in a similar situation with my ex husband. He dragged me through court for contact with our son, just to get at me. He constantly moans about paying csa and barely turns up to collect him, or is late. When he does take him, he sits and drinks tea in his sisters house while my son is bored stiff, he'd rather be playing out with his friends. I'm still being tormented by him and we split 8 years ago! xx
Oh how awful, my heart goes out to you both!! Asking boss to reduce hours so he doesn't have to pay maintenance for his child?? How low is that?? These men should hang their heads in shame! xx
what gets me is my new partner does everything for my daughter and my ex bitches about it, surely he should be glad that my partner looks after her or would he rather that he smacked her round or something? i dont get it at all
I'm in your partners position to an unborn little boy atm and frankly I feel for you both! Tempted to link that silly woman to see this and shut up for once. She seems to think that I'm some psyco just because I'm young and am coming off anti depressants.

He needs to grow up and realise he can't run from everything, I would say make it clear that a stage will come when your daughter just wont want to see him but it sadly seems like thats what he's bargining for. -cuggles-

Sorry that all I can offer is my little opinionated stop about and a hugand support as we're fighting for my OH to actually somehow be able to see his boy.


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