
Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Hey everyone so heres a update as regarding the babys dad i.e Ian.

so he was claiming money he was not entilited to the 2opound a week one in total he had 420pounds which has now been back dated to me he was reported for fraud im not to sure whats happing as regarding that but its outta ma hands me n my friend reported him together because stealing a childs money is not fair and then to give me a fiver of her own money is a kick in the teeth.

hes now stopped paying me child m which was five pounds okay does not go far but at least he was paying his ex who has 2 of his younger kids 11 and 9 he pays her 12pound odd and then says she gets the same as me clearly not.

he said i have to sign a receipt which i said no because he could use it agasint me then asked me for mine or the babys bank details and again i refused he said right well then take me thru csa cos all u will get it 2.50.

hes just been so off with me and alisha now what the hell has she done wrong it annoys me because its like hes being cold towards her and shes not done anything wrong and i wont sit back and let him do that.:shakehead:

he always says he will spend the same amount of time with all the kids which is on a saturday so agreed to that and he says thats when he sees the kids but the other 2 are getting more time with him every wed he goes up and pays her stops has a chat and a brew or so but does he come see alisha no does he ring me asks me how she is or sends me a facebook message no.:wall2:

i just feel so sorry for alisha cos it seems like to me because he already has kids hes not arsed any im truely fed up with him i just wanna grab him and shake him about ppffttt

ive tired talking to him about all this and he just wont listen and then ends up walking away or i walk away before i lamp him

sorry for the rant people just confused so much and like i said feel so sorry for alisha she is gonna grow up either hating him or not knowing who he is:shock:
oh hunni its not fair for him to treat her differently, and csa will say he has to pay £5 a week into your account and he will not be aloud axcess to any of your bank details either they will just ask for his info, its not fair at all and you have every right to want to lamp him, if i were you i'd of done it by now. keep in there and if possible ignore him as it will be the best for your LO x x x
I can seee myself going through exactly thr same thing if i contact babys dad and let him know shes here, I know i wont get a penny out of him as he doesnt work is a full time dad to his son and wasnt interested in baby anyways. Men can be such idiots at times xxx
Thanks everyone shes only 15months a few people have said because he has kids its like he cant be arsed.its like when she was born he told everyone it was mistake when no clearly she was planned we had everything sorted house the lot.just never went to plan as usual oh hun iam very close to smacking him i just walk away each time cos hes not worth it

hope you get it sorted

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